The long wait for a new car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
What is the longest time you've had to wait to pick up a car?

Did you mind or was it a real trial?
5mins is i like it i buy it there and then and take it home dont go to look at a car and say i like it i will pick it up later
always take someone with me to drive my motor back
Does the time count when I was having the beast rebuilt from the engine out?
That was 9 weeks consecutive all told!!! :amazed: Lost my Afro hairdo due to the stress and my lucrative film contract to play Michael Jackson from the age of 15 :lol::lol::lol:
Can't remember exact days but was about 3/4 weeks waiting for my new car after ordering it. The last one I had was one in the showroom and it ticked all the boxes so took it. The worse bit is being paranoid when driving around in your current car hoping nothing happens between signing the docs and the day you take it in for part/ex.
It's not a new car, but I've been waiting on completion of my build on myy Cobalt SS for 6 weeks and counting. driving me crazy waiting for stupid parts!

Hopefully they come today though.

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