Cheap brake pads/discs

HDi fun

TC ModFather
Buckinghamshire UK
Passat 2.0 TDi
Three weeks ago I had my local independent specialist fit new discs and pads to the front of my car. This is fairly routine, I seem to need to discs/pads on the front about once a year. Rear discs and pads last much longer, I presume because they do less work.

I supplied the parts, and this time I bought ultra cheap Eicher branded discs/pads.

They failed to bed in at all, left me with a soggy pedal and basically poor braking. This was 3 weeks ago and today I decided to chuck 'em away and fit my usual favourite, which is ATE discs and pads. Local specialist duly undertook the work, with a bit of a told-you-so approach.

The ATE parts are working perfectly within a few dozen miles of use, giving the firm progressive feel and bite that I'm accustomed to, ie. immediate response and strong braking available with minimal pressure on the pedal.

Moral - don't fit cheap parts, even if the E marking regs have been tightened up recently. The difference between statutory minimum and quality parts is enormous.

More worryingly, the car sailed though it's MoT yesterday with the cheap crap parts fitted. Just shows how low the MoT standard is for braking performance.

The Eicher discs that were removed, just 3 weeks old, had stress fractures visible, centre of one disc showed signs of excess heating and two of the Eicher pads had partially delaminated.

My advice - avoid Eicher as a brand firstly. Secondly, and I should have known this - YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!!

Every so often I try to economise and invariably get bitten and end up spending more.
You should be able to get a refund on those - not fit for the purpose described.

It does go to show. I remember getting some pads for our Astra. I went for the expensive long life ones without thinking that they might be long life because they have no friction! They were the worst pads I have ever used and never bedded in!

My MOT is due today! Gulp - I'll be wearing out the carpet!
The Eicher discs that were removed, just 3 weeks old, had stress fractures visible, centre of one disc showed signs of excess heating and two of the Eicher pads had partially delaminated.

Thats quite worring that the discs are were starting to crack after 3 weeks
Cheap brake pads wont last longer too ,so might as well spend more to buy better brake pads that ensure your safety and last longer.
I know all this - you really are preaching to one who was converted 20 years ago. I just thought I'd try it to see if things had improved. They hadn't.

Euro Car Parts gave me a full refund without question so 10/10 to them for being utterly honest and professional.
yeah euro CC seems to get a lot of raves about how good they are. least are giving you a full refund. i used to fit cheap pads to the civic (think they were around £12) and they werent bad braking wise it was more life, had to change then every year.
I can live with new front pads every 15,000 (year, say) and discs every other change. The backs seem to go on for ever, I think I've only had two sets of pads in nearly 80,000 miles and the set on there now still have 4-5mm of material left on 'em.

They're tiny little things,too. contact area like the largest face of a matchbox
My pads have been on the car since I bought it and there is still plenty of wear left 12mm - that's after about 4 years motoring. Perhaps I should start using the middle pedal.

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