Would you let a kid wash your car?


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Would you ever consider letting your neighbours 10 year old clean your car to earn a bit of pocket money? How anal would you be over the finish? Would you supervise them and how closely? If a kid you never saw before knocked on your front door and offered to clean your car for a fiver would you say yes?
ABsolutley not! I am a little anal about the cleanlyness of my car, and it gets polished and waxed every time it gets washed. Can't see all that being done for £5. :wink:
washing your car is a very intimate process, you need to treat it right, push the right buttons and be slow and gentle.

someone please back me up as upon re-reading that sentence it is rather creepy.....
I think you need to spend a bit of time away from the car and with people if your not careful you'll become an Autosexual! :lol: :lol:
washing your car is a very intimate process, you need to treat it right, push the right buttons and be slow and gentle

thats right haha. how would a ten year old know how to wash and wax a car? theyll just wash and rinse then say theyve finished. to me, im the only one to clean my car cause i know how i like it done.

everyone has their own process for cleaning their car.:cheesy:
No, not my current baby.

I have done in the past, as I used to wash cars when I was a kid. Washed cars for a garage.

So its only fair I give them a chance. But I'm sorry. No one but me touches my baby.

When I had my mazda, id let em wash it, but I would be a stricked task master about the price and quality. Id tell em how to do it. Top First. Rinse. Front. Rinse. Side. Rinse. Back Rince. Side. Rinse. Rinse wheel rinse and so on and so on. If there was dirt left, Id tell em and doc there pay heavily. Then the next time he needs £5 to go buy a pack of fags or a bottle of 20/20 or what ever 12 year olds are doing now days he would have to earn it!! :bigsmile:
no way

my child did this the other year, and the lady up the road had to goto the car wash and redo it..

Deffo don't let anyone touch mine, i'm the only one allowed to fook things up ;-)
:roll: Yeah we know PG :lol:

I tell you what tho. If ever they privatised the NHS and I had to pay for open heart surgery, Id want it done inside PG's motor, even if it is a Skoda!! :p

nah dont spend much time doing the insides and not looking forward to doing the skoda with the mix of leather cloth and alcenta (sp)

youd be shocked thats a month ive owned the skoda and its been washed once. the garage got told not to bother washing it before i picked it up as i would do it myself :)

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