What is an essential journey


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
The Highways agency is giving out warning due to heavy snow that driver should only undertake essential journeys.

No-one actually specified what an essential journey is so how do you define or decide what is an essential journey?

Is going to work essential? What if you are a doctor? What about getting some bread and milk for granny from the supermarkets?
We have NO snow what so ever. A little bit of ice but not a problem for any capable driver. (the rest deserve to crash) So i'm going to ignore this "essential journey" nonesense and go for a spin (not literally i hope)
Nah we had it a couple of weeks ago when the rest of the country had none. Scary when a jack knifed lorry was sliding down a hill towards me.
Going to my girlfriend's house for Christmas is essential. I've got presents to un-wrap and turkey to eat!

Other than I shall walk to work as it only takes 10 minutes. I don't really have anywhere else to go!
Going to my girlfriend's house for Christmas is essential. I've got presents to un-wrap and turkey to eat!

Other than I shall walk to work as it only takes 10 minutes. I don't really have anywhere else to go!
If this was a facebook status, i'd like it :)
jack knifed lorry sliding towards me = ruddy big stain in car/pants lol

was supposed to be in work (2-10) cant get out of street and they wouldnt pick me up so...................... here i am lol
Lol. Luckily it caught a tall curb an stopped. I very steadily set off around it. Where a knob who was driving right up my arse the whole time got stuck. YIPPEEE
Hahaha! That's what this forum needs... A 'like' button.

Lol. Luckily it caught a tall curb an stopped. I very steadily set off around it. Where a knob who was driving right up my arse the whole time got stuck. YIPPEEE

On the A507 (near Woburn Safari Park) Saturday there was a massive tailback because people were incapable of driving up a hill. They were bunching too close to the car in front and then attempting to go up... But failed.... Miserably.
i go out everyday in the snow
most of the time if its snowing we shut at work as i am the only one that can get in

but i do the shopping for the old people along the road or ones that cant get out
is only 2 4x4s along my road and the other person well she cant even park let alone drive
and there is no way you will get a normal car along my road when it snows due to the hills at the end of the road

but i think the only non essential journeys are like them ones
shall we go to the garden center to look at things we dont need or down town to buy rubbish lol
I know. Who goes out just for a drive, these days?

More to the point, who can afford to! lol

Most of my driving is essential. My work would not accept a weather warning as an excuse for a day off work. And I'd get no happy time for a month If I didn't take my misses to tesco once a week. :blink1:
It is essential I get to work, at this time of year I have no holiday entitlement left so if I don't work I don't get paid! Anyways, the Landy never fails me :P
If you have rwd summer tyres and dont know how to drive in the snow then I dont think any drive is essential.

But if you have snow tyres , AWD and maybe be even a special snow mode then essential might just be driving around for the

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