Talking cars


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Anyone remember the talking car computers? I think the Austin/Rover group toyed with them for a while?

Now KITT is cool and we all want one but a voice that says

Seatbelt warning
Close the door
One of your bulbs is out
Mind the Gap .....

Why do you think this never caught on? I believe that some modern BMW/Mercs have a vocal warning system but this might have just been a bond film I saw. "Dangerous Driving Vill Invalidate your Varrenty!"

What verbal warnings would you like to hear your car uttering?

I think moron ahead would be good if it detected erratic driving. Although it would be better if it just locked on a G2G missile and auto fired! :lol:
:lol: yeah.. if it was loud enough, have it say "Warning! if you dont get the f#!#! out of the way, G2G Missiles will guide you out of the way"

"Move B#!#!# ! Get out the way!" hate the song, but wouldnt be bad in behind granny drivers..

love the sticker " Horn Broke, Watch For Finger! "
The idea is that it talks to you not everyone else on the road.......

.....Although I can see plus points in your idea.
well yeah, but have to expand the idea, it would drive me nuts i think if it was talking to me all the time.. kinda like some GPS systems, i like the ones that just have the arrow on the screen telling you where to turn, or a quick beep 1/4 mile from the turn..
anyone ever see the osbornes???
ozzie had a car that was programed to talk to him, it drove him bananas
I remember the Montego. Nice comfortable cars but pretty ugly by todays standards;)

The Turbo was a scortcher. MG Maestro got my vote.

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