My Chrysler 300C CRD SRT issues


Torque Master
West Yorkshire
Ford Focus ST300+
They've now had the car back in at the dealership for about a week due to a knocking noise under the front end. So far they've replaced the droplinks, track rod ends, wishbone bushes and have checked that it's not the shockers (which it's not). They're now replacing the bottom arms and hoping that that solves it as there's little else left to replace (so they tell me). Doing my absolute nut in. If they don't solve it soon they'll be keeping the car and I'll be keeping my money.
Right then, school boy errors been checked? I had this mystery knocking from what I deemed to be the front end once. After much messing about and detective work by the garage, it was found to be my metal maglight torch bouncing around in the glove box :embarrest:
I'd rather had it been something trivial I suppose though, at least I'd actually be driving my car now instead of in a loan Fiesta. 1.0 isn't quite the same as 3.0. lol. Waiting for word back this afternoon
I hope it gets solved! Have they looked at the engine mounts? I'm sure the rubber could perish enough so that any engine movement maybe become noisy.
Don't know mate they're still fitting the bottom arms at the moment. Apparently he'll call me back as and when they're done or before he leaves at half 5. Bloody joke. They've been fitting those for about 3.5 hours now. Glad I'm not paying for the labour let alone the parts
Its weird sometimes, some jobs you think will take an hour but gives the mechanic 3 hours of headaches and vice versa.
I have the pleasure of a 1.3 Ford KA as my courtesy car when the beast goes into the garage :embarrest:
^ ^ ^ Let's hope it has the words COURTESY CAR plastered all over it in big friendly letters. Don't want anyone thinking that it's your car of choice :-D ^ ^ ^
Well after replacing pretty much everything except the actual shockers the car I'm pleased to say is now fixed!! At last!! Feels a lot better and tighter at the front end. Happy days :D
It turned out to be the bottom arms by the looks of it but they've replaced everything else first, which I can't complain about as they're all parts I won't have to change now. Still my warranty's definitely paid for itself already, and I have 3 years left.
Yeah it's a used car warranty. I paid for 3 years worth and it's already paid for itself. Winner. I get full RAC cover with that as well for the full term. Can't fault it, other than you're probably not at the top of their priority list as it's warranty repair as opposed to a paying customer
Unfortunately the car has come back to me with a few scratches and scuffs here and there so they'll be having it back in AGAIN!! to fix these.
No just surface and I wouldn't mind but it's had Supaguard treatment inside and out so shouldn't scratch particularly easily but regardless it's going back in (yet again) on Tuesday night to be buffed Wednesday and I'm going to make them do the whole car seen as it's full of swirls. It's the least they can do for pissing me about for over a week with repairs and then having the gall to return it in this state
It certainly is T9. Gotta get what you can outta the bar stewards. I always get my moneys worth pal ;)
I get around 35mpg average for 290bhp Yugguy
Aye it's not bad when I actually have it. It spends half it's life in the dealers at the moment having bits and bats replaced. Next on the agenda is a full set of glow plugs and a transmission fluid check
They're umming and arring over doing this as only MY code reader picks up the fault not theirs. This means should they refuse I will be looking for a replacement vehicle or damages and compensation from them or both
Are you noticing any dodgy running when cold, or issues with starting? If not, maybe it is your code reader? Just pondering. Is there anywhere else you could go to get the codes read, for a second opinion?
So here's where we're at. I've contacted Citizens Advice, Santander and Car People. I'm making an official complaint through Santander about The Car People who are basically giving me the run around. They're saying that if the fault code doesn't show on THEIR system that they won't replace a thing, despite clearly seeing it on my OBD device with their own eyes. In any case they're now saying that they need it to go to a specialist independent engine mechanic for them to read the codes and determine the outcome. To be fair if it goes to them and they don't find anything and won't back up what will be obvious on my own device then I'm afraid the law will have to come in to it and I'll be doing my utmost to make them give me a full refund etc
Are you able to witness the code reading at the independent garage as well? I would not feel happy about this as your garage are already denying your OBD readers accuracy as being viable.
I watched the code reader this morning at the independents. Though i'm not sure how independent it makes them if I've been sent there by the dealers. Hmm. Anyway as I say I watched it and it brought no fault code, though to be fair there's didn't have a Chrysler program whereas mine is specifically made FOR my car. Anyway he said it's only a glow plug potential fault that's showing on mine and therefore unless I have trouble starting it (which I don't at the moment) and there's nothing on the dash (which there isn't, at the moment) I should just ignore it. He asked how much warranty I had on it and I replied 3 years. He said, oh well then, if anything else happens or turns up just take it straight back to them mate you've plenty of time to iron out any faults. Which in fairness he's correct and it's not actually affecting the car at all at the moment, it's back to running superbly for now. I'll just keep a beady eye from hereon out I suppose

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