Engine ground issues Clio mk4


South Africa
renault clio 90 tce
I have a bit of weird one. I started experiencing a few electronic issues with my car like dipping lights and sensors going haywire. Misfires and and and. Took my car in and they said the battery was to old over 5 years and needs to be replaced. So we did that. Car started up and no more faults for like 2 days. So I sarted digging and got myself a cheap multimeter. Results below:

When car is off:
Ground to chasis = continuous with 12.5 V
Ground to engine = continuous with 12.5 V

When car runs:
Ground to chasis = continuous with 14.5 V
Ground to engine = none with 14.5 V

My concern is that I the I get the correct voltage however the current may be to little or resistance to high and the results in my issues.
Check the wiring, a similar issue on mates Audi S6 was caused by wires under the front drivers carpet, wearing through. When he used the clutch it caused a short and some very strange issues happened.

Your Volt readings seem spot on.

If you can get a fault code reading from the ECU it might tell you which sensor components are causing your issues and will make tracking down the fault a lot easier.

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