Most hated drivers out of .....

Cyclists because they're prone to death, dont ****in realize it, and dont pay any sort of tax for the right to be there. Despite it being a Road. For Cars. And motorbikes.
tractor drivers sometimes take delight in winding up other road users. Others are very courteous. Carvanners - and I 've tried this once or twice - should not be allowed to tow anything unless the tow vehicle has at least 250lbft +
My pet hate would have to be our local ' road owning ' Taxi drivers :mad: cut you up,sit on your exhaust, in their damn Doblo's, Kangoo's etc. as if any one of them could catch my Granny if I didn't want em to! :p, even my Corsa blows em away on take off! ( funny watching their faces in mirror trying to keep up), LOL :lol:
But I'm no friend of them damn cyclists neither! ( especially the ones with headphones on) :evil: How some of them got the age they have astounds me! :o

Chris.. :blink1:
Funny that - cyclists that try and own the road. Strangely I feel fairly safe with 1.5 tons of steel around me with sod knows how many (too many) air bags and other stuff. Yet the pedal bikers know no fear.

THey must be scary car drivers
all of the above tbh, taxis are always in a rush swerving between lanes being prats, vans think they can barge other cars about cos there van is heavier, cyclists sould pay road tax or get off the road! motorbikes fly past you stupidly quick and scare the **** out of you as the engine and exhausts are loud and anoying!
I thought I'd picked the worst 4 from our "most hated drivers thread". We can do a separate coach/taxi drivers thread as well.
Cyclists because they're prone to death, dont ****in realize it, and dont pay any sort of tax for the right to be there. Despite it being a Road. For Cars. And motorbikes.

I 100% agree, some just had a death wish.

A road leading out my town and into the nearest is a 40mph but very few stick to that, the average car will be doing between 50 and 70. Cyclists can be found along that road on a nice day, several feet from the curb. They should be on the pavement (even though its against the law) to avoid the worst...
It when you get the kids driving round at night without lights on. If you say anything you get a mouthful of abuse from them. Perhaps its another form of natural selection kicking in .....
The most hated drivers.... BMW drivers? :lol: Only joking. I hate van and taxi drivers...when one of you has to fit through a space, it's better to just let them go as they usually don't care about the vehicle they are driving. B******s!!
Funny that - cyclists that try and own the road. Strangely I feel fairly safe with 1.5 tons of steel around me with sod knows how many (too many) air bags and other stuff. Yet the pedal bikers know no fear.

THey must be scary car drivers

lol you would think that but no. i drive like a madmad on a pushbike. like 30+ mph pushing it as fast as it can phyically go without falling apart.
but in a car i am a quite careful driver only put my foot down when its save to do so.
but even then on my bike i've crashed a few times into lampposts an such like. just get up, twist the handlebars the right way an carry on lol.
Old people (normally 70+) lorries and tractors. Driving up to Aberystwyth on Sunday and was making really good time with very light traffic but then caught up to an old man in an Audi 1.9 TDI estate just past Lampeter. Usual flat cap type who drives EVERYWHERE in 5th and at 30. By the time it was safe to overtake (which is hard to do in my car) the time I had made up before hand I had lost with this idiot.

A similar thing happened on Monday on the road (whoever on here knows it) going from Llanidloes to Aberystwyth. It's a lovely road which I wanted to blast down but was stopped by a caravan. Thankfully there was a gap to overtake so I could enjoy the road.

IMO the following drivers must be forced by law to only be allowed to drive between the hours of 11pm and 7am on smaller roads not motorways in order to help congestion:

Big trucks and lorries
Old people
Caravans and Motorhomes

Tractors can be a pain but most of the time the ones I've come across are considerate and signal for you to pass.
i hate cyclists they dont pay road tax and think they own the road. in the country side they ride 2 abreast causing traffic jams on 60mph roads and in the cities they jump lights often hitting pedestrians or damage your motor in a rush to give some richard cranium there mail (p.s) lower fuel prices
Having battered the pedal cycling population (and rightly so) I won't ride a bike on the roads either because far too many car drivers are totally pig ignorant of anything going on around them. Hence the reason I prefer to have a ton-and-a-half of steel around me, laced with ten airbags and all the other active safety features that come with modern motoring.
Van drivers are the worst (They have no idea what signals are for). BMW drivers are very annoying. everytime I see a car in the middle lane going 60 mph, I can bet it is a BMW driver.
i hate cyclists purely because there a pain to overtake on a narrow road, and if your in a traffic jam you sometimes have to overtake the same cyclist 4 or 5 times when they could just ride on the path in the first place :@

Anyway, another completely different categoy, people who brake too often, like on motorways, or at every single bend! Your not gonna lose control at 20mph just put your ****ing foot down! [/rant]
Yeah, the brake happy bunch do grate a bit. They seem to think that the steering lock engages and the wheel cannot be turned unless the brake lights are on. Notice though that they rarely apply much force. The actual retardation of the car is miniscule.
i hate cyclists they dont pay road tax and think they own the road. in the country side they ride 2 abreast causing traffic jams on 60mph roads and in the cities they jump lights often hitting pedestrians or damage your motor in a rush to give some richard cranium there mail (p.s) lower fuel prices

Aw, diddums nasty cyclist make oo dwive at less than the speed limit once?:lol::lol:

Typically one-sided motorist bigotry. How about "All you car drivers are half-blind smug inconsiderate self-busers who can't think beyond the end of their own selfish bonnet lids, and you should all be re-tested at frequent intervals?" 'cos that's how you seem when I'm out on my bike.

Actually, Jimbo, along with all the other tax payers in this country, I DO own the road.

Don't forget - being a cyclist doesn't class you as a different species. Quite a few of us are owner/drivers, bus passengers and pedestrians too. If a pedestrian offends, do you rail at everyone on foot (e.g. "I nearly ran over one of your lot last week!") based on the fact that they're shoe-wearers?

I own and pay the VED on TWO cars, and yet prefer to cycle to work 'cos I like getting there ON TIME, EVERY TIME, thereby foolishly donating my tax to 'charity' and subsidising the rest of you that drive to work alone. Now tell me that bit about leeches on society again?

No, I don't jump traffic lights, nor do I ride abreast with anyone. If you don't like the speed I move at, along with anything that moves slowly, then leave home earlier.

At least I'm not as wide as a milk float (even I can overtake them!)

As for escaping tax, this only happens because there isn't any (along with the owners of very-low-emission vehicles and, ironically, smoky polluting non-catalysed 'vintage' cars - oh, of course they've got 4 wheels, silly me).

How many motorists would volunteer to keep on paying theirs out of civic duty if it was scrapped? Incidentally, VED is just a tax on having a car - it long since ceased to have any relationship to the funding of roads. Don't forget, the roads were the domain of cyclists and horses till the bloody car came along, so, no you weren't here first.

And before you ask, yes, I am insured. Membership of the CTC gives you God knows how many hundreds of thousands in 3rd party cover.

Sure there are bad cyclists - I see them every day, going through lights - I've even had a car driver and a cyclist run into me because "they didn't think I was stopping", but I would say this. For every cycling amber/red light-jumper there are probably ten motorists doing the same - which would you rather collide with? Show me proof that the cyclist jumping a red light yesterday is alive today. Being a much-maligned London cycle courier carries some rather high mortality figures, which is why I'm not one.

To be honest, at least give cycling a go, it's part of the solution not the problem - it's made me a better driver if nothing else!

i hate cyclists purely because there a pain to overtake on a narrow road, and if your in a traffic jam you sometimes have to overtake the same cyclist 4 or 5 times when they could just ride on the path in the first place :@


Believe me, Jonski, I'd love to ride on the pavement sometimes, but the £60 fine every time one of those jobs-worth PCSOs heaves into view is a trifle heavy on the old pocket. The rest of your rant is precisely why I DO use my bike for commuting - getting to the front of every queue, and thereby getting to work on time, is the main event for me. If you've had to wait several times behind the same cyclist before overtaking them, only to get to the next red light a little later, how have they delayed you? It tends to indicate that their average speed is all you're going to achieve anyway, with or without a cyclist in front of you.

Lecture over, now let's get dug into a nice juicy caravanner again..........
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