Lowest Flashpoint Petrol or Diesel


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Without explaining your answer or showing your workings please answer the following simple question.

We will then discuss this when we have a pool of answers.;)

Which has the lowest flash point? Petrol or Diesel?
l petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol l petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol petrol
Incidentally, I suggest that you DO NOT apply naked flames to combustible materials. My comment was for illustrative purposes only. I don't want anyone going and getting hurt and then trying to sue HDi.
Incidentally, I suggest that you DO NOT apply naked flames to combustible materials. My comment was for illustrative purposes only. I don't want anyone going and getting hurt and then trying to sue HDi.

Bu**er! Too late!
ooops. I'd best avail myself of my tucked away legal resources and try to defend positively instructing people go around chucking matches in buckets of petrol :-)

I shall counter-sue. British Petroleum must cease manufacturing inflammable petrol. The Ship company must stop making matches that can be set alight. NEFF must stop making ovens that get hot on the inside.

Very dangerous.


Well done! When I was asked I chose diesel (like Wizzer) thinking it was less flammible than petrol and this is what flashpoint meant.

Most of us have a good grasp of flashpoint, the point at which the fuel ignites. I presume there was a lot of cheating going on here.

Well done! When I was asked I chose diesel (like Wizzer) thinking it was less flammible than petrol and this is what flashpoint meant.

Most of us have a good grasp of flashpoint, the point at which the fuel ignites. I presume there was a lot of cheating going on here.

Define cheating.

When asked a question, I will either respond immediately if I know the answer or do some research prior to responding if not sure. Are you saying that this is cheating? In that case burn all books!:-)

In this instance, I knew that the flashpoint of petrol is lower than diesel (as did HD) but looked up the actual temperatures. I consider this to be learning not cheating :-)

Right Waynne, now that I have got that off my chest - you were going somewhere with this.............
Define cheating.

When asked a question, I will either respond immediately if I know the answer or do some research prior to responding if not sure. Are you saying that this is cheating? In that case burn all books!:-)

In this instance, I knew that the flashpoint of petrol is lower than diesel (as did HD) but looked up the actual temperatures. I consider this to be learning not cheating :-)

Right Waynne, now that I have got that off my chest - you were going somewhere with this.............

You still cheated lol :lol::lol:
This question really was obvious because diesel engine have glow plugs to fire it up where as the petrol engine will start with just a spark...
Err, no. Glow plugs are only there with indirect injection diesels to deal with a cold start.

THe direct HDI ones don't need them at all unless we're dealing with -15 or worse.
OK, TN - you can have that one on me!

The glow plugs are essential for the regnerative cycle of the particle filter. THey assist in getting the exhaust temps up to or over 500 Celcius in order that the accumulated soot is cleanly burnt away.

This is the point where I, one who hated diesels for years upon years, struggles.

They're too complex basically. The simplicity of a diesel engine has been lost in development. OK, they're powerful and torquey, but the servicing is so bloody prescriptive. Mine's only a 2.2 litre. The driving feel is like that of a 4 litre V8.

But I bet that the petrol V8 will quite happily stand up to 25,000 mile servicing.
It doesn'y half go TN69 - I'm no stranger to lively cars. The 2.2 DW12 engine in my car is a forceful little beast. The Vauxhall 2.2 DTi is a bone in my opinion. Loud and raucous yet with precious f*** all shove.

I like fast and quiet cars. And, to reiterate, I HATED DIESELS FOR SEVERAL YEARS.
It doesn'y half go TN69 - I'm no stranger to lively cars. The 2.2 DW12 engine in my car is a forceful little beast. The Vauxhall 2.2 DTi is a bone in my opinion. Loud and raucous yet with precious f*** all shove.

I like fast and quiet cars. And, to reiterate, I HATED DIESELS FOR SEVERAL YEARS.

I don't hate diesels I just much prefer a petrol. I have drove many diesels and quite liked some of them it just petrol is the way to travel in my opinion.
:lol: No keep the the facts OG! :lol:

We can't educate the whole world but we can keep the stupidity average up a little!

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