Longest gap without a car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
What is the longest gap you have had without a car?

Was it after an accident, a ban, a long work assignment or holiday.

How did you feel getting back behind the wheel?
About 11 months, was the time I killed my old car to picking up my little go kart. That included saving up the extra money, placing the order & then waiting for it to be built. Coincidently that was about 12 months ago as I've just renewed my insewerats. :amuse: It was great getting behind the wheel of my own car again, but it wasn't totally alien as I was regularly driving for work & occasionally I could use my mums car. I did have to rely on public transport the rest of the time & I did a lot of cycling too. :)
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i went 3 months without a car after an accident, it killed me not having one i ended up hiring one for a month until i got my own sorted lol
Apart from the first 18 years of my life the biggest gap has been since 24th June this year when my trusty 406 was written off in a very nasty RTC.

I have not yet bothered replacing the car - we can manage with just one for now.

Frankly, I'm not overly enthused about driving that much at the moment; PTSD has taken its heavy toll on me.
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1.5years, when i first moved out to Vietnam from the UK - as i hadnt twigged how to get a VN driving license. Lighter pocket and problem solved. But driving in the UK is just some uncomparably better that only when i come back do i feel that i am really driving again (about twice a year)
Other than the odd holiday when I haven't bothered hiring a car, I don't think I've ever been without a car since passing my test.
Went around 4 months without as I couldn't afford to run one, I absultely hated it. Felt like I was a prisoner without any freedom! (As I still live at home, the car is the best/only escape!).

After I got behind the wheel (even though a different car) was like greeting an old friend. Admittedly a little shakey for the first few minutes.

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