Is public transport improving


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
What are your thoughts on public transport near you?

The motorist is blamed for ruining the environment and we are actively encouraged to use public transport but what is the public transport like near you?

Down our way it is expensive and there are massive gaps with hourly buses and trains at peak times dropping to every 2 or 3 hours in off peak times!
Bus service in Wolverhampton is plain awful & cannot be relied on, some buses just never show up & the first early services of the day are the worst culprits. Since I've joined the railway (8 years now) I've noticed a massive improvement in services over the years. I catch the train to work when I'm rostered days. It's a lot easier than taking the car in, cheaper too, but I do get a 60% discount. :embarrest:
No, up here it's awful, services get later and later until they drop them altogether to "catch up" - so when a bus finally does turn up with it's big cloud of black smoke it's carrying far too many people to be safe. And it'd be cheaper to fly to town, including the cost of a taxi to the airport.

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