How tanned is your driving arm


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
We'll summers over. How tanned is your drivers arm, because I'm sure that in all this heat we have all had our arms out of the window.

Whilst we are on this topic do you?

1) Put arm on window sill
2) Hang on to the roof with your hand
3) Flop your arm downwards resting on the door

I remember taking delivery of the Primera in 1997. My first car with a/c (and it was a standard fitment, too). Back then a/c was not at all common and I LOVED driving about all smug with the windows tight shut when it was 90 degrees in the shade. Watching everyone else wilting. I think I also had a bad habit of setting it so cold that you'd end up with a sweatshirt on even in the middle of summer.
thats a bit like my dad.
he has the AC on even when its cold out, basically never turns it off, and he's the one who chose to get a diesel for the economy an leaves the AC on 24/7:confused:
I've grown upa bit over those eleven years. I do still leave it on all the time because this is better for the environment and my wallet because the system won't develop leaks. Pug has climate control so temperature is regulated properly.
I'm pretty dark overall so the difference in skin tone between my arms are rather slight. But some reason whenever I drive in daylight, when my arm is just on the wheel, the sun hits it anyways o.o
Just been sitting here looking at my arms...I think my right arm is slightly more tanned, although I'm still pretty white! :lol: I usually rest my arm on the window sill.

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