How hot is your car interior


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
What is the highest temperature you've ever recorded inside your car?

Also what is the higest external temperature you've seen on your dash display? I got up to 45 degrees in the south of France, that was pretty hot! I couldn't even touch the steering wheel.
I've seen an external 43 Celsius when driving across France in July 1999. Inside the car was comfortable 21-22 ish but the A/C was working hard (Nissan Primera).

My wife's parents who were in convoy were baking in their car which had no A/C and they must have had a similar 43 inside as out - all windows wide open.

I suspect if I parked it and walked away for a couple of hours the inside would have rocketed to over 60 Celsius. You'd have to open up the doors and let out the hot air for a few minutes before driving off.

I've been fortunate in that the last 3 cars (I still have the third one) I've had since 1997 have all been fitted with decent a/c or climate control systems.

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