Get stuck in traffic much


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How much of your driving time is spent being stuck in traffic?

Thankfully it is quite rare for me to get stuck in a queue, a minute or so at traffic lights and that is about it.

A friend of mine regularly spends about 1 hour a day in traffic, mainly on and around the M25.
Not really. All the roads around here are 60mph. And if I'm stuck in traffic, the speed is usually below 50mph, which means I can over take fairly easily. If there is heavy traffic, then it usually fizzles out after a few miles.
Not on nights, the only time I can get caught out is if they close the M6 for major works but I know most of the short cuts to get round them so it's not a pain.
All the time if I have to see my clients in Central London - what Congestion Charge :confused:
When I am lucky enough to visit those clients involving some motorway travelling, thankfully the traffic has not been too bad along the routes I generally take ;)

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