Ever bought a lemon car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Have you ever bought a lemon car?

(For all those that take things literally and you know who you are! I'm not talking about the colour of flavour of the car! Rather it referrs to an unreliable dog of a car which just has things that keep going wrong with it.)

So what are your lemon car experiences?
All the cars made here from the late 60's to mid 80's were Lemons, but we had no choice but to repair them, as there was no alternative.
no but i bought a vauxhall....... its near enough IMO lol
no offence to any vauxhall drivers on here reading this thread but i just really dont like them, never have!
When I was young & naive I took out a loan & bought a Suzuki SJ 413 & it a proper knacker, it was clocked, the engine was shot, the airfilter had turned to mush because of all the oil in there & there was a whole host of other problems, basically it was fit for the scrappy.
At the time,I had a second job working in the Newhampton pub & I got to know a few bikers (of the denim jacket big beard variety) & they offered to pay the bloke a visit, at the time I declined but now I wish I let them! :evil:

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