Does Gran Turismo and similar games improve driving


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do games like Gran Turismo and other proper driving simulation games improve driving? Does it help improve handling, reflexed and getting a feel for car control?

Do you think the best game player would be any good on a track?
Probably yes, because the dynamics are quite authentic even though the steering feel and feedback is artifical and there's no sense of movement to the body's balance organs.

I doubt it'll make any difference at all to road driving skills, which are totally different to those emplyed on the track
suppose it depends on whether they use the steering wheels or the joypads. it will give a small help but compared to driving in real life dont think its going to help that much
yeah i watch an edisode of that, they were spinning the cars something rotten. thought id watched it on dave however so thought it was something old
It would have been impressive if they had won! That said the drivers have had years of training and experience but these lads got about 3 months to prepare.

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