Your biggest car bill


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
What is the highest bill you've ever had for your car?

Was it repairs or an expensive service? Did an upgrade to your car empty your pockets?
26 years ago when I had the HSX Chevette I was quoted £1k for a bare new 16v head, £30 per valve plus labour to rebuild it and £200 per Cosworth piston. That was a lot of money back then when totalled up, well over £3k built. Needless to say I rebuilt the engine myself, welded the head up, machined it myself and bought refurbished valves from a specialist and modified some new pistons myself, saved me a small fortune. After it was run in and set-up on the rollers it still ran 185 on a mild tune. Compared to some I have probably been fortunate and not had anything large.
Well the latest engine rebuild has cost £21272 todate with about another £5800 to spend to complete & get back in car. Its a rebuild of a previous engine & some parts like the Block/Head are being used from previous build. Its will produce close to 500bhp/ litre so some very trick parts.
Well the latest engine rebuild has cost £21272 todate with about another £5800 to spend to complete & get back in car. Its a rebuild of a previous engine & some parts like the Block/Head are being used from previous build. Its will produce close to 500bhp/ litre so some very trick parts.
You get what you pay for though when it comes to engines. This does sound like a monster setup!
Discs and pads all round on the 6 was pretty stomach churning at £2100... but the worst was torque convertor replacement and gearbox rebuild on the Passat W8... which came in at £3500.
Well the latest engine rebuild has cost £21272 todate with about another £5800 to spend to complete & get back in car. Its a rebuild of a previous engine & some parts like the Block/Head are being used from previous build. Its will produce close to 500bhp/ litre so some very trick parts.

Get it working, use it, need more power so build another one and sell this one to me to help offset the cost :-)
I think my biggest is due in the next couple of days. Slightly bigger than the last huge one in December. Ongoing Passat issues. The whole gearbox is being rebuilt now, including new casings.

Since April 2014 I've spent over £2000 in repairs alone. Tyres, pads, discs, other consumables and routine servicing are on top of this.

I am expecting £1200 or so for gearbox rebuild.

This car has cost more me more in repairs in ten months and 20,000 miles than my last three cars all together cost since 1997 and I covered over 450,000 miles in those three.

I am going to approach VW UK formally because I feel this is outrageous.
I know it sounds silly mate, but how comes your not getting rid?

Took me a year to realise how much money the MG was costing me when something went wrong which was all the damn time!

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