What music do you drive to


Full member
Selby, England
323f 1.5 BA
Recently i realised i spend around 2 hours a day driving and i always seem to listen to the same stuff so i thought id throw it out there for discussion to see what everyone else listens to while they drive and whether they change music depending on how "enthusuastically" they are driving.

I'll start off, for normally everyday driving im bouncing between a bit of Enter Shikari, The Midnight Beast, and (my geeky sin) The Black Mages. But when im having fun with the motor i seem to slip more towards old school rock/metal
I am a great fan of Queen and would listen to it if had a cd player,next on list but want a digital one with built in satnav!!.
ive got 6 albums in my car currently

queens greatest hits vol 1 & 2

ed sheeran - +

arctic monkeys - whatever people say i am thats what im not

back to the old school classics, minus disc 2 (its ****)

slammin vinyl - old school classics

prince - very best of

and these albums are sufficient for my daily travels:bigsmile:
What I dumped in my car is:

The Prodigy - Music for the jilted generation.

That's it. Thats all I will ever need...
Lol. That reminds me of 2002 when I got stopped doing 96 on the m61. The copper asked me why I was going so fast. I said 'metallica'. I got away with it cos I said it with a wry smile on my face.
For me its mostly Jazz, Soul and Reggae music; if I want to be a little more chilled out while driving then Classical music dominates the iPod :bigsmile:
always wanted to.go to a jazz club. good chilled music.

Try coming down to London and visit the legendary Ronnie Scotts Jazz club, great food and drink and marvellous music by some of the worlds best artists ;)

The Jazz Cafe in Camden have great bands and musicians entertaining you, but the food and drink waiting times are just ridiculous and the toilet facilities are practically medieval :sad2:
hardcore and a bit of dnb in the rover but when in my cars cant really listen to fast music i find it makes me put my put down
depends on if my wife and daughter are with me , on my own ACDC , Metallica and hard rock , if i have the family with me things are a bit more subdued
Listening to a lot of electro swing at the moment, plus plenty of latin tunes, JLo Pitball Enrico etc...
I busted out my classic Rock tracks this week, it felt good. ACDC Def leppard etc...
Haven't a clue about that ^^^^^ but seeing there is a vast age difference between us it's understandable :lol:
Mash up is where the instrumental from one song is mixed with the vocals from another. It's an artform in itself as it's very easy to get wrong. Hip hop is popular for this as the vocals should work with any music.
And Electro Swing is a mash up genre :)
Back when I was a DJ I used to mash up tunes all the time. One of my favourite memories was having a chap come up to me to ask what song I was playing - across my 4 decks I had 3 different riffs on loop and a vocal from Madonna playing out. :)
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Lunchy you have only succeeded in confusing me a very senior citizen even more .V( :rofl:

I'm into country like Willie Nelson, Glenn Campbell, Johnny Cash etc + Beach Boys , The Fureys , John Williamson , Bette Middler , Rod Stewart, Stuff that I can understand :) and not the heavy metal headbanging stuff but hey we are cool as each to their own OR whatever rocks your boat LOL

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