Price of Fuel! Whats your limmit?


Pro Tuner
Elgin - Scotland
Evo 8 @ 400bhp
When the price of fuel went above £1 a L, I was disgusted. I moaned to every one. Everyone moaned at me, there were big talks about it on TV, then it all stopped. In the last year, the price of fuel has gone up around 20p per L. And no one seems to moan about it. Its just kept going up. And believe it or not, the price of fuel (buy the drum) has gone down!

I ask you guy's and gals: What is the most you are willing to pay for fuel, and at what price will you stop driving?

For me, I have got to say £1.50 will be my limit, for driving around day to day. If it goes over that, then my baby will be restricted to weekend use and days out. £2.00 and I'll move to another country.
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Yeah £1.50 would be the limit ..... I'm moaning about it already llf I rather pay £1.05 a litre ...... but if it keeps going on then I'll leave her parked on one of the busy roads lol
My Dad thinks £7.50 per gallon. That's £1.65 / litre.

According to him that would 'solve all the pollution problems'. Whether we have pollution problems is a different issue.

However, I put it to him like this:

HDi: "Dad, if fuel was £7.50 per gallon, how much would you reduce your car usage?"

Dad: "Not at All."

HDi: "So how do you propose to reduce emissions in this way?"

Dad: "It'll stop all the others driving too much and too fast."

HDi: "Dad, that makes you a sanctimonious and self righteous hyprocrite. What about those poor people who can barely afford it at the current price and are trying to keep their families' clothed, housed and fed?" (I'm not in that bracket, thankfully, my concern is for those on the very lowest of incomes)

Dad: "Not my problem."

HDi: "I am withdrawing from this conversation."

Are you surprised we haven't spoken since? What a discompassionate insignificant little man my father has turned out to be. I'm ashamed to be related to him. And he calls himself a socialist.

You know who you are, Brian Anderson, I defy you to show your face here.
Hi son

top limit for petrol. id say £1.50 which were going to hit before the end of the year
Hi son

top limit for petrol. id say £1.50 which were going to hit before the end of the year


Honestly, though, he'd be totally wild if it went to £10.00 per gallon because this would impinge upon his car usage. It's typical do as I do brigade and I have no time for it.

He'd also set the Mway speed limit at 55 because that's 'his' speed.

I think £1.50/gal is everyone's threshold but sadly I think we'll put up with it even if it goes well over.
i will buy an electric car as woking carpakl has free recharging faciltys.
then i can just use petrol at weekends for the jag.
My observation over many years and many price hikes is that whatever petrol may be priced, there will always be motorists to buy it. Simply put, petrol is an essential part of our lives, and we have to fill up our cars, whatever the cost.

As for myself, personally speaking, even the present price here in India (equivalent to about 80p/litre in your currency right now) is too much for me. I am going electric by the end of this year.
It does take the p*** tbh. I moan everytime I go and fill up. £60 on V-Power the other day! Then I have to fill up again after a couple of weeks. If it keeps going up I shall have to start walking to work.
It does take the p*** tbh. I moan everytime I go and fill up. £60 on V-Power the other day! Then I have to fill up again after a couple of weeks. If it keeps going up I shall have to start walking to work.

£60 is nothing mate. ive been spending that weekly in the last few weeks due to long trips
I fill my tank thrice a month, costs me your equivalent of 23 UK pounds each time. My Tata Marina diesel estate returns about 12 Km per litre of Diesel in town stop and go running, which is quite economical.
I suppose I don't have a limit, but the higher it goes the more I would it affect my choice of car. I want to keep the 100R for a weekend toy & get something else for daily commuting anyway. :D
what people should do is stop using their cars for 1 week, im on about the whole nation
bet you the goverment will drop the prices, after all they nearly get 70% of that money
what people should do is stop using their cars for 1 week, im on about the whole nation
bet you the goverment will drop the prices, after all they nearly get 70% of that money

Beat you to that one a while back. How about an all out national strike. One day off work unpaid each month. That'll soon start to hurt.
Its a shame that people will have to start choosing there cars accordingly. You earn your money, to spend it on what you want. Its just another case of the Government raping them who earn enough to drive. It will be a sad day when I sell my Evo to buy a diesel. It will happen though. I think if they were to cap the price at £1.10 for two to four years then it would bring a more stable platform for people and public transport prices. I went on a buss about 8 months ago, and it cost me £3.50 to go 5 miles! One way!

Plus, if we all start buying electric cars, then we are letting the government win, that is the truth. The government moans about people smocking. Saying it costs the NHS 30 Mil a year. Well simple maths will show they get a lot more from the cost of fags. If 500,000 people smoke a box of fags a day, and there is around £4 tax per box, that means that Mr tax man gets 2 mil a day from smokers! That's over 700 mil a year tax!!
The government moans about people smocking. Saying it costs the NHS 30 Mil a year. Well simple maths will show they get a lot more from the cost of fags. If 500,000 people smoke a box of fags a day, and there is around £4 tax per box, that means that Mr tax man gets 2 mil a day from smokers! That's over 700 mil a year tax!!

Well wouldn't ya know. Turns out i'm doing my bit. lol :lol:
Not a bad idea. Already got one. Have you seen the new test's they are doing now though? They look SOLID!!!

No. I heard they were making them much more difficult though. I think maybe I'll just go back to BMW and get myself a 330CI or something. lol. We shall see. Let's hope it never comes to that though.
the pertorl price is now completely out of control as the oil price has dropped for the past two weeks and so petrol should be at least down to gbp1.10/ltr if not lower. it is hasnt fallen accordingly then both the govt and the petrol companies are making extra money. (oil is down to around USD72/barrel compared with USD84/barrel a few weeks back).
Frankly, no real limit on what i would pay for petrol, when driving in the UK often spend in excess of GBP150/week for fuel not really going further than 40miles from my house.
even if the price reached gbp1.50/ltr or gbp2.0/ltr i would still buy it.
the pertorl price is now completely out of control as the oil price has dropped for the past two weeks and so petrol should be at least down to gbp1.10/ltr if not lower. it is hasnt fallen accordingly then both the govt and the petrol companies are making extra money. (oil is down to around USD72/barrel compared with USD84/barrel a few weeks back).
Frankly, no real limit on what i would pay for petrol, when driving in the UK often spend in excess of GBP150/week for fuel not really going further than 40miles from my house.
even if the price reached gbp1.50/ltr or gbp2.0/ltr i would still buy it.

Yeah, the government say they are unable to drop the price of fuel because the pound is worth nothing. They say when the pound is stronger, the price should drop. I don't know if any of you know, but ALL fuel is bought in dollars. All the fuel coming out of the middle east is bought in dollars. That is where it is hitting us, as we have to exchange our pound for dollars before buying it. This is a system that should be stopped.
yes, had overlookde this. however the pound moving from 1.48 to 1.44 (which is approx movement over the past two weeks) is 2.77%, therefore this only accounts for a change in petrol price by just over 3p. the exchange rate excuse is clearly a scam, as normal.
Well if I was buying the fuel personally then I would be moaning at everyone and anyone who would listen! but as it's a company car and I own the company, not to fussed at the moment!

But if the petrol price silly season is not brought to an end very soon!! then I think we shall start to see a massive increase in fuel theft from cars, vans, bikes, petrol stations, hospital generators? nothing is safe from these kinds of desperados!! :(
Price Of Pertol In Dundee has Dropped 4p in the last week woot

Same here is Elgin. If was chuffed, I went to fill up with my 5p a L off from Tesco's, and saw that fuel was at £1.17.9 not £121.9. For my full tank it was a ''saving'' of £4.50 for a tank of fuel (including my 5p a L off).

Its still too deer though. It needs to be £1.10 stable for the next few years to make me happy.
The main thing it's dropping haha ..... There was a bit in todays newpaper about it.

"Asda Spark Fury Over Pertol Prices. From Mid Night they dropped 2p and hopefully others follows"
And that's at these prices! No point in a massive tank in a car like that, if you'll fill it you'll just add more weight and 1000miles between stops is unecessary eh!
When I started driving petrol was 33p a gallon. When the Chancellor added 1p a gallon on budget day there were queues outside petrol stations within the hour in order to save 7 or 8p on a tank full! These days very few people bother even with 5p hikes. Petrol is no more expensive, relatively, today than it was 40 years ago.

There is no maximum. The price is going to keep going up (it always has), so get used to it and make your life decisions based on that fact :-)
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Once upon a time, when my father was young, a litre of petrol cost Rs. 6.5 & a Honda city cost Rs. 96,000. Now a litre of petrol is Rs. 54.0 & Honda city comes at Rs. 9,80,000... Wish if I had a time machine, i could go there & fetch gallons of petrol & fly back with my Honda ! lol!

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