Will 2012 be a good year


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How positive are you about 2012? Were the Mayans right?

Will the economy recover? Do you think that car makers will come out of "recession" mode and start making interesting models again. Are there any interesting car model releases due out?
Cannot see the economy recovering anytime soon I'm afraid. As for new interesting car models being released in 2012 - I don't think i'll hold my breath while i'm waiting :sad2:
Well if any dealers get them in anyway.
I've phoned 3 dealers and only one of them has one in.
But it's only a 1.7 and it's on ramps in the showroom so I can't test drive that. :mad::mad::mad:
Never mind. :sad2: Its gone.

Ill try and write it again. They are never the same when you re write something.

I would like to see GB look after itself a bit better. Stop getting bullied by the EU, and lets sort out our econemy before giving massive hand outs to other EU countries (countries that when the UK was in trouble in 2009 did not help)

Id like to see fuel pices level out, and see the government take a fixed amount per L, and not a percentage.

I would also like to see the following

1 - Lewis or Jenson win the F1 Crown
2 - See David Haye beat one of them Russions
3 - Murray to finaly win a Grand Slam
4 - Wales to win the 6 Nations
5 - See Matthew Wilson win a Ralley
6 - See Rossi retern to form on the Duke
7 - Justin Beber to be cought sniffing coke (Removed as inappropriate), publicliy humiliated and never return to radio/tv EVER AGAIN!
8 - Top Gear to not be scripted in the studio.
9 - Cut airport/flight tax
10 - Increase the prison term for people who scam the insurance system.

Thats about it really. Don't think I'm asking too much. :D
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Definitely agree with number 7 ^^^ (maybe he'll commit insurance fraud whilst on the coke?).

I think personally yes. I plan to get the Beemer onto the track, not to mention the supercharger will be securely strapped on as well. A 'ring trip would be awesome as well.
I think we need the economy to majorly pick up. With the olympic games I'm sure things will be less bleak than they are now!

Hopefully car makers will start coming out with cool innovations and we'll see some hot hatches with silly power levels being released.
I dont think so it will be a good year. Its ok that we all wish everything should be good but with what all going on in all the countries i mean to say unemployment and bad economy , year after year their will be more crime and all .. that is what i believe because big people only thing of how they double the money they have and dont think about common people.
Things can always be worst.
Your bottom line is our goal!
Writte from country where 1 000 000 are retired, next 1 000 000 are unemployed and from 1 000 000 lucky ones about one third does not get paid for labour. Rest of population are under age to become part of that statistics.

Your crissis (or any of other civilised states) is our Utopia for instance. :(

So my answer is: NO! I don't expect '12 will be better. As matter of fact I expect the 12 will be year of deeper cuts for citisens in my homeland.
Last 20 years I strugle and fight expecting better time, expecting the "water will rise in our harbour", but only thing that hapend is that 20 years have past and I am 20 years older...

I'm not complaining. Got an job and small familly bussines, but i see how people live their lives in strugle to keep at least human dignity and pride.
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I reckon I'll be alright til our hardware refresh is done then I'll be sharpening up my CV just in case. I trust our bean-counting management about as much as I'd trust a dog with two dicks in a field of lamp-posts.
I reckon I'll be alright til our hardware refresh is done then I'll be sharpening up my CV just in case. I trust our bean-counting management about as much as I'd trust a dog with two dicks in a field of lamp-posts.


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