What is the job of the exhaust


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
I thought we would get some opinions on what an exhaust actually does. Why do we still use long exhausts when we could just vent from the engine directly?

I'm a little torn between saying the exhaust helps contol the power curve and the exhaust muffes the engine noise. Which do you think is the main reason d'etre of the exhaust?

Also how do you determine the optimum bore size? Is there any formula that you use?
muffle the engine noises and expel hot waste gases out the way of people getting in and out of the car. if you had the exhaust pipe coming out on either side of the car where the doors are chances are people could cook their legs. Terminating under the car would be problematic if stopped when the engine is running at traffic lights etc as you would get a build up of gas under the car and it could seep in through doors joints etc...
Long exhaust unecessary but for the noise reduction imo. I'm most likely going very short 3" exiting behind the drivers front wheel (heat shielded obviously). The whole exhaust will be about two foot from turbo back and unbelievably loud not doubt :P

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