weight loss

Aren't they just spot-welded on? Can't say I've actually ever looked, less hassle just buying a single skin fibreglass or CF bonnet and going bonnet pins.
queit possible ive heard they are but when i look at mine i cant find any so who knows. i soppose getting a firbeglass or cf bonnet would save hasle but they just cost to much when i can spent that mone on improving other parts of the car
Some fiber glass can be heaver than metal, so if into weight loss then keep a record to compare differnt items.
My bonnet is fibreglass & is fixed down with fairing fastners, bonnet pins might increase your insurance but then, changing your bonnet from standard will also do the same. ;)
it will be the santard bonnet but with out the strengthed bit on it so that means i will need bonnet pins. also how do you stop people nicking it when its parked up.(the bonnet i mean):P
If youwant to do it another way. Un-tack the spot welds of the 2 layers of bonnet and just use the strengthning part and fit a carbon panel over the top. Strong and light ;)
If youwant to do it another way. Un-tack the spot welds of the 2 layers of bonnet and just use the strengthning part and fit a carbon panel over the top. Strong and light ;)

the ting is though carbon fibre is really expensive. if i was doing racing then i would but for a every day car theres no much point.
the ting is though carbon fibre is really expensive. if i was doing racing then i would but for a every day car theres no much point.

I would love carbon but it is too expensive just for mucking around.
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