Servicing schedules - what is best


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
We all tend to go by mileage when we think of service schedules but what do you think would be a better indicator of engine wear?

What about total engine revolutions? Perhaps fuel consumption would be a better indicator of engine wear?

The main problem is that the wear on a 25,000 miles a year motorway car would be similar to a 3000 mile a year old boy that just does short journeys.

What is your servicing schedule? Do you stick to the mileage recommendation? What about an interim oil change?
I usually service mine once a year. But I normally change the oil twice a year. And I always service a car if I've just brought it. That reminds I do have a service to do actually. ;)
i could do with servicin mine lol, but i always think hmmmm service, or make it look good, and i always go for the styling option :rolleyes:

id say like TN once a year should be ok, unless your motor is really old and always sounds like its gonna die at anytime then maybe twice or even more!
services are due every 20k on the bora, but the oils changed around every 5-6k anyway as i do alot of shortish journeys, roughly 4 miles to work although the engine is pretty much up to temp

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