Reducing no of cars on our roads


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do you think the number of cars on our roads will reduce over the next few years and why do you so answer?

I've given this some thought and I have not actually come to a conclusion yet.

Less newer cars are being sold. Will more cars be scrapped? How does increasing population come into the equation? Is it just the distances cars cover that will be reduced?
i think with the current ecoadmly atm people will be looking to repairing there car rather than bying a new one, i think it will stay about the same, garages will be makeing more money now as it is cheaper to fix somethink rather than getting a new car.

but then i get to the issew that if a car is beond repair or is not worth it and it gets scraped...then do they by a new car or a second hand one??

if you treat a car well you can get it to run for an extreamly long time, useing high quality oils and fuel regual servises ect...

i know some drivers like my sister who dont know anythink about cars and keep it runing and do not give it the corrent amount of care it needed, she changes her car every 1-2years from byeing it from new so people like her will strugle.

i think we will see a inc of older cars on the road and less newer ones? views?
the answer to your question imo is no cause new cars are still being sold maybe not as many at the moment but as the manufacturers sell less they have to entice the buyer with better deals all round

and a fair few people i know who usually change their cars every 3 years are now opting for leasing a car so still new cars being sold this way

then theres the used car market with less people buying new the used market will grow maybe more accident repair bargains will appear

and the cars of the road at the minuet getting restored, customized how many of these will be getting finished in the next few years
Agree with Herb - think that we will not have any real decrease in the amount of cars on the road and people will just make them last longer. Saying this though maybe we will see more small engined cars around as people trying to save a buck when buying new cars go for the smaller engined supposedly more efficient modeals

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