Is the Juke a scary looking car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
I heard a couple of friends talking about a car the other day.

One said, "I don't like them either, they look really scary and menacing"

I had to ask and it turned out they were talking about a Nissan Juke!

Do you think the Juke is scary looking?
Not a fan. They're like a Fiat Multipla on steroids. So scary as in a, "what the hell was going through the mind of the designer", but other than that, really not.
Menacing????? They're about as menacing as this:


Cars for the mentally ill.
As much as Yugguy's post made me laugh, I actually like them quite a lot. Now, if you don't mind I'm off sit in the corner, rocking and talking to Satan.
Well it does look like the styling cues are from the insect world, so if creepy crawleys give you a fright I guess it might have a menacing look to it somehow.
Always thought Nissan were designing an amphibious vehicle when that Juke come out! Looks like a boat! I do however, like the Nissan Duke R....

I'll join MA now..
Menacing and scary? hardly. i commented on Nissan's facebook my thoughts on the Juke's looks and was subsequently banned from commenting on Nissan's facebook page. lol.
Quote in question:
"Ugh. That car is ugly no matter what angle you put on it. I'm sure the Juke is a fine car, but those looks... It looks like the mentally retarded offspring of an insect and a Nissan Versa and had been thrown repeatedly against a wall as a baby by an MLB pitcher."

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