How do you thank other drivers


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Time for a repost I'm afraid. (Sorry to all our older members but feel free to chip in with your up to date comments!)

How do you thank other drivers? Some raise their index finger, some nod, some flash lights, there is also the thumbs up and raised palm method?

What do you think the method you use tells us about your personality?
I don't know what you'd say about my personality then cause I use all of the above listed. Sometime stick to one method but I do tend to use them all on a daily basis. Flashin my lights most at night though.
during the day on the road a hand up at night a flash of the high beams and on the motorway my hazards
i do a bit of each. i don't use high beams though, just dim the lights to parking for a moment then back to regular. never had anyone let me in at night so don't have one for that. druing the day i will give a hand up mostly. the nod ive only used once and that was just cause the roads were slick and i was turning.
Hand / palm up during the day along with a flash, on motorways, hazards when let back in, night time - flash of the flights and a hand up :)

I was thinking, for those that don't say "thanks", is it worth them getting a middle finger? I was thinking about that last night, would make me feel better... inconsiderate drivers... grrr
during the day it is either a nod, palm or thumb, occasionally i will give a salute. two fingers to the side of my head, i use that as a greeting a lot. don't know why... haha.

at night, if they let me in and are behind me, flash the hazards, if they are in front of me it is dip the lights to side/parking then back on to dipped beams. i get quite annoyed by people who flash, as it means i can't see sod all for a few seconds!!!!

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