Formula 3 car made from potatoes and carrotts.

they go to all the effort of makeing a car out of food and you can't eat it! gah, the cake car off that advert was waaaay better. :p

How good would it be in a crash?
I suppose the race team's transporter will be an artic.....hoke.

Once unloaded, they'll take the car for a spin....ach.

However, in straight-line performance trials, it barley reached 140 mph, and its corn....ering came to grief at the spot where some chickpeas on the track.

Overheating causes the engine to bubble and squeak.

The sequential gear box uses a new design of synchromashed potato, and the whole bodyshell was airflow-tested in a polytunnel.

The designer was quoted as saying "Wherever possible I've tried to betroot to my original design concept, now if you'll just lettuce past, I'm running late for talks with Alfalfa-Romeo"

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