Dog owner or a smoker


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Would you buy a car from either a dog owner or a smoker?

Perhaps you've done this already and had to deal with the odour. Is there anything worse than Fags or Dogs (to a non smoking non dog owner?)
would rather buy a car from a dog owner as it only leaves hair and the smell

soke leaves everything in a darker smoke stained state plus hate the smell is worse the dogs
my first car was from a smoker and everything was stained yellow, really didnt car though, it was my first car thats all that mattered. woulkd say now though would avoid one previously owned by a smoker. for dogs, no problem, really dont mind this, just give the car a good clean,
i fully valet every car i get, so i dont mind, but as 2fast said, if you get money knocked off, try this the next time your buying, you should get money off towards a valet

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