Chain driven transaxle?


Torque Junkie
Smart Fortwo Pas'n
Hi guys,

Bit of a stupid question... I'm looking to build my own car from scratch and I'm wondering if it's possible to have a chassis mounted engine chain driving a transaxle? Any ideas?

you sure can, if you google search STANTON-CORVETTE you should find a special built by the Shenton brothers of Christchurch New Zealand . the car was a rear engined special , space frame construction, these guys built several specials , they mainly had the chain drive rear . the first was built for the NZ grand prix it qualified 17th in a field of 42 , was so ugly that officals tried to ban it from competing , they ended up starting from the rear of the field but drove to 7th before the brakes died ( morris minor ) .
hope you can find something in the system , regards pat
thanks guys, I'm breaking out the savings account soon... so we'll see how this goes down... :p

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