Cats and dogs


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Flipping pets get all over the place. I narrowly missed 3 cats today and 2 dogs. It must be silly season for jaywalking pets at the moment.

Cats seem to be the most savvy and tend to run out of the way. Dogs just seem oblivious and unpredictable.

Watch out!:confused:
Owners should keep their dogs on leads or within the confines of their own property. They shouldn't be out running freely.

Cats are more unpredictable. I'll do all I can to avoid hitting anything but sometimes that's just not enough.
if you hit it just make sure you take the details off the tags, sounds bad but if the owners stupid enough to let it out then they should have to pay for the damage it causes.
I'm a pet owner, have been so for years. Cat's operate in their own way. They don't acknowledge other cats. They certainly don't acknowledge cars. If a cat is hit by a car then that's unfortunate but what else can the car driver do? Mount the kerb and wreck the car, possibly killing a couple of kids along the way?


Dogs - well slightly different. Dogs should not be sent free to roam where they like. We have a staffie bull terrier, lovely dog by all accounts. She loves people. as all SBTs do. But she's daft enough to love cars as well. She has no fear of cars. Why? Because cars carry people and she loves everyone. She, incidentally, is called Dolly. She's a typical Staff, much maligned by the gutter (braindead) press.

Dog owner's - KEEP your dogs close by you when walking them on the lead adjacent to roads.
Dogs - well slightly different. Dogs should not be sent free to roam where they like. We have a staffie bull terrier, lovely dog by all accounts. She loves people. as all SBTs do. But she's daft enough to love cars as well. She has no fear of cars. Why? Because cars carry people and she loves everyone. She, incidentally, is called Dolly. She's a typical Staff, much maligned by the gutter (braindead) press.

Dog owner's - KEEP your dogs close by you when walking them on the lead adjacent to roads.

Agreed I have a staffy and he is as dumb as they come he stays on the lead everywhere. I also have a collie cross an she doesn't even have a lead. I've never needed one for her and I can take her absolutely anyway without the fear of her going into the road. She is a very very well behaved dog.
Agreed I have a staffy and he is as dumb as they come he stays on the lead everywhere. I also have a collie cross an she doesn't even have a lead. I've never needed one for her and I can take her absolutely anyway without the fear of her going into the road. She is a very very well behaved dog.

Collies and cross breeds thereof are significantly brighter than staffies. Staffs are dumb. Lovely all the same but commonly found to be putting themselves at risk in the most ridiculous situations.
Collies and cross breeds thereof are significantly brighter than staffies. Staffs are dumb. Lovely all the same but commonly found to be putting themselves at risk in the most ridiculous situations.

Yeah my staffy is pretty dumb. Although I do take him out late at night on the lead but sometimes let him off and I've been training him to walk at the side of me without a lead. I've only don't this really late at night and I live on a quite estate anyway. But he is picking it up very well and behaves brilliantly. I think he is picking most of it up off my other dog because she'll go anywhere with me without a lead so I think some of that may be rubbing off on the staff.
how old your staffie tn?? is he a new addition to the family cause i dont recall you mentioning him before
how old your staffie tn?? is he a new addition to the family cause i dont recall you mentioning him before

He'll be 2 in September. It's a long story he was my mates but I looked after him when he was a pup. Then my mate took him to where he lived but he wasn't feeding and treating him good enough for my liking so i've been round and took him off him. I did that around the time I got the Focus and you can already see a big improvement in him. He's massive now where as before he was going skinny.
He'll be 2 in September. It's a long story he was my mates but I looked after him when he was a pup. Then my mate took him to where he lived but he wasn't feeding and treating him good enough for my liking so i've been round and took him off him. I did that around the time I got the Focus and you can already see a big improvement in him. He's massive now where as before he was going skinny.

i hope you gave your mate a slap for the mistreatment of him!!!

well at least hes got a good life now mate and getting the food, training and walks he needs :bigsmile:
I know with working dogs, when pups, they put their face up to an exhaust of a car with the engine running so that the dogs come to dislike cars. Its not a nice thing to do, but then neither is scraping a dog off the road.
I know with working dogs, when pups, they put their face up to an exhaust of a car with the engine running so that the dogs come to dislike cars. Its not a nice thing to do, but then neither is scraping a dog off the road.

But how would that work? Why would that stop a dog going near a car? If anything it would wind the dog up and make it chase cars.
But how would that work? Why would that stop a dog going near a car? If anything it would wind the dog up and make it chase cars.

not really mate dogs aren't as daft as we humans like to think they are
get shown something they dont like they avoid
take for example my dog hates a dog basket show him 1 he runs away, show him a hoover he avoids it at all costs, i lift my index finger to him he knows he has done something wrong and tries to avoids the flick on the nozzle he knows hes going to get
not really mate dogs aren't as daft as we humans like to think they are
get shown something they dont like they avoid
take for example my dog hates a dog basket show him 1 he runs away, show him a hoover he avoids it at all costs, i lift my index finger to him he knows he has done something wrong and tries to avoids the flick on the nozzle he knows hes going to get

Yeah but if you wind a dog up enough it will turn. My Staff hates being flicked on the nose he goes mental. So does Lady as well.
Yeah but if you wind a dog up enough it will turn. My Staff hates being flicked on the nose he goes mental. So does Lady as well.

sorry i dont actually mean flick the dog (to me this is a torment to the dog not a correction)
i meant if i raise my finger i only have to tap mine with just the 1 finger on the side of his snout he hates it and generally 9 times out of 10 dosent repeat his mistake
And also I know dogs aren't daft. My collie cross AKA Lady is the smartest dog you will ever meet.

i can believe collies are renowned for being a very intelligent dog
and like my granddad says you can not get a better dog than a mongrel you get less chance of the pedigree faults and they are more obedient and loyal than any pedigree!!
Ours (Staff) is about 2 1/2. She is still as dippy as she was when a pup.

Thought you'd appreciate this one, HDiFun. My daughter's just got a Staffy from a rescue centre. Guess what it's called?


Incidentally, is it still the rule that you have to report an accident with a dog, or did that go out of the window when they disbanded the dog licence?
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Thought you'd appreciate this one, HDiFun. My daughter's just got a Staffy from a rescue centre. Guess what it's called?


Incidentally, is it still the rule that you have to report an accident with a dog, or did that go out of the window when they disbanded the dog licence?

You still have to report a collision with a dog.
That's true - and its to do with the fact that there are still working dogs, rather than licences, so I'm led to believe.

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