Brake issues

I'm relieved now. Update: The parking lot I'm in is of a vacant building used by a hospital for storage. I was freaking so bad because a security guy drove through earlier, but I think now that they were just making sure I wasn't doing anything bad. I doubt that they care that it's parked there now.. But I can't even get it up on a jack to disconnect the brakes because the jack points have completely rusted away. I think for now, I'll be safe to work on it there, which was my plan anyway. I have no other place to work on it, so I thought hell, why not work on it in a vacant parking lot?
This is the one you've just bought then? Don't you have any mates with a driveway you could use?
I don't have any friends who would lend me a driveway, but I finally talked to one of the security guys, and they said we were cool. :mrgreen: It's a good place though. It's on flat ground, I don't have to pay anyone for the space, and my parents will never find out! I just emptied the oil today, and got the brakes unstuck so I can push it around. I think I'll start taking pics, but I need to keep the car a secret until it's fully restored. Then I'll set up a fake sale and pretend to have just bought it, in good condition!
lol i never keep my cars secret infact my mum was going to put my rent up so i said cant just payed 9 grand for a new trans am so dont have the money so she did not put it up lol only think is i cant do it every time
Update: I had to move the car today, so I used the new oil I got, which is not much better than the old stuff lol. The engine sounded a lot smoother, but it couldn't idle for long without having to apply throttle to keep it running. UNFORTUNATELY I had to move it today, so I didn't have time to change the oil filter. I have been trying for the last few days, but it won't budge. I need to change it, because I even tried hitting it with a hammer until it got dented, thinking stupidly it would help. How do I remove the oil filter??
or use a proper filter removal tool. i only use the screwdriver ethod as a last resort.

just make sure you turn it anticlockwise

have look at this photo
this was someone who tried a proper tool, chisel and hammer, screwdriver. finally had to call out a mobile mechanic who got it off no problem. he had been looking at it the wrong way and was trying to tighten it
this is what i use in the main.

same reason the civics was in an awkward place to get the belt type round it

Lutton yes im sure everybody has tried to turn it the wrong way, but after trying for around 2 hours would you not have tried the other way at some point.
after 4 turns i would of gave up i always use what you have in your pic its one of the best tools in my tool box works on just about every filter
oil filter wrench. really good as you cant turn it the wrong way. connect up to the ratchet make sure its turning anticlockwise and then fit it to the filter.

yeah lutton its what ive used unless i leave it somewhere. then the srewdriver is used
i have only used the screwdriver once when the wrench did not work but by right you should be able to do it by hand most of the time you can if you have a good grip

and does help when you work on a lift lol
never been unable to undo it by hand unless its just been put on. have had to remove the housing before due to wrong filter in the box, dam rovers with theres soft metal stripped the threads
must be all my power in my right arm lol

i have done that a few times had to take it all apart some are easyer then others

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