Best place for an idiot driver


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Where is the best place for an idiot/moron driver to be? Personally I'd rather them be in front of me than behind.

Theres not a lot you can do if they are coming towards you but what is your preference, in front or behind you?

The next question is how do you get the idiot driver in your preferred place?
well it depends on what type of idiot driver???

if its the 1's who want to do 40 on a 60 road then they are better behind me !!!
but if they are the type who want to do 100+mph on a 60 road then i would rather them infront of me cause i know i will catch them up a few miles down the road when they get stuck behind a slow moving convoy of traffic
At the bottom of the ocean, in a multipla filled with concrete?

spot on :)

i would say behind me that way i can accelerate away from them, wouldnt want them infront, if they cause an accident infront of me theres less chance of me getting away from it.
I'll stick with my first a ditch.

The others are well worthy too! :)

As said, depends on the grade of idiot, some behind, some infront.
Going back to Waynne's original intention - I'd rather they were in front of me. I found out the other day how quickly I could stop from 70, and easily avoided debris from the crash that opened up in front of me. If they're an idiot they're less likely to stop and plough right through you. Depends if you want a new car or not, I suppose?
aside from what i said ealier, i would rather they be in front as well. that way i don't have to be looking in my rear view the entire trip to figure out what they are doing and miss something infront.
The best place for him to be is behind you so if he does crash it will be clearly his fault and not yours.
That's the point, if you crash into the back of someone in court there is usually no defense as you should have been aware enough to avoid or brake.
I see, but surely if he is in front of you then the accident will not happen as you'll be giving him a wide berth.;) It seems daft to my mind to choose a non fault accident over no accident.

I think there is little he can do in front to cause you to crash into him as long as you leave sufficient stopping distance.
best place behind if he is speeding or what not
as if he crashed its his fault
but if hes slow then go infront
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