Aftermarket steering wheels


Pro Tuner
Staff member
2002 Clio 172
The most used control in the car is the steering wheel (we hope!). Why not upgrade this essential component and go with something more visually appealing. Is this an easy job and what pitfalls are there in fitting an after market steering wheel? Looking for inspiration many aftermarket steering wheel makers look to the world of Motorsports for inspiration. Motorsport wheels are bare, and usally made from metal and plastic. Some have information displays in them and other have a flat base.

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Over here it is illegal to remove an SRS equipped steering wheel and replace it with a non air bag wheel in a road registered motor vehicle.
I have had 4 different steering wheels in the car since I have owned it. All of the steering wheels take into account the airbag.
To be honest with you, I don't care how sexy the wheel looked, if the airbag did not fit then I would not have the wheel - period!
As much as I've modified cars... can't say I've ever changed the steering wheel! Mate of mine does... he's got one with a quick release which always moves from car to car. It's always very strange sitting in the pub with his steering wheel on the table! Personally I think he's nuts!
If the car had an Airbag, I think you're only supposed to replace it with a non airbag if you are using racing harnesses, I could be wrong though.
^^ Which would be far cheaper than replacing an airbag. I remember replacing my airbag in my 2003 car model for one meant for a 2006 model. This then gave me a better choice of steering wheels that I could fit. The main dealer took almost £900 plus the dreaded for the privilege :(
Clay over here 4/5 point harnesses are not legal due to the difficulty of adjustment should you lend the car to another driver.
I have the factory belts in place and the 4 point harness as well to use at the track.
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