audi a3 tdi

  1. Teenager2413

    Long time no speak Audi A3 head

    hello everyone sorry it been so long So no after owning my lovely astra and a work horse in between I treated my self to a 06 A3 2.0 tdi Quattro bkd so I love this car proberly to much so after 3 cheap turbo and a melted engine I. Now on a stage 2 hybrid and Acar ready for a full stage 2 map...
  2. Teenager2413

    Audi 2.0 Tdi Turbo

    Bonjour everybody so after a couple of months of owning my beloved 2.0 Tdi 140 quattro the turbo started sounding like a siren then one day it want bang no doubt it blew it self in two LITERALLY !!! so after a fight with the dealer he paid for the turbo and i paid for labour (i just did it...

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