When do you decide to sell a car


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
At what point do you make a decision to sell a car?

When you get bored with it and want something better
When the cars mileage hits a milestone
When the car is a certain age
When the car starts to become unreliable?

Or do you have other factors that come into play? Perhaps a big bonus from work would be enough to get you to uprade the car or a new job perhaps.
A combination of the above points. Previous cars have gone for being unreliable, scrapped, boredom or been offered something better.

These days I look for other qualities and enjoyment to drive being the top one. I have had cars in excess of 140k miles and still enjoyed them, Audi being one example as they go on forever if looked after.

My current MG has covered in excess of 62k miles, of which 40k are mine and no matter how many miles go on it I shall not be looking to ship it on. In all honesty I will keep this and buy another car to run alongside it as I know it so well. It has never failed me..................goes to find some wood!
When I buy something, I always justify it to myself.. I'LL KEEP THIS ONE UNTIL IT DIES. Then I find something even better and sell it and decide to keep THIS one until it dies.

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