what knock down


The Torque Meister
South Dorset
When you are buying a car from a dealer what sort of percentage do you think can be haggled off the price? I guess every seller has a margin included for hagling
Is this new or used?

New: you can often play one dealer off against another. Negotiate by phone, as soon as you turn up it gets a lot harder. In addition to money off ask for extras, free service, radio upgrades etc...

Used: Buying a Porsche from a non porsche dealer is usually going to be better and non franchised cars will often be shifted for rock bottom.

Prices vary a lot, my biggest ever discount on a car was £1000 - Down to £3000 but there was some wing damage so I agreed to fix it myself for a discount! The car actually sold for less than the used private sale book price.

At the moment there is a strong demand for used cars so prices are a little more set in stone unless you go for an "unloved" car - prestige or large engined/bodied.

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