TCJB's latest track days 2023


Staff member
2011 Honda FN2
Competed in the largest historic street sprint event in Australia at Leyburn held over 2 days and there were an estimated 8,000 spectators or more and was in what is called the invited <2000cc NA class that had 10 competitors that included unregistered track cars and was pipped for 3rd place on the final run of the weekend.

2 weeks later competed in the Pittsworth sprints over a 1.5 klm course in the closed roads of an industrial estate where the course is run in the opposite direction on the second day and the best times from each day are totaled to decide the winners and managed to win the registered <2000cc class.
So will be heading back next year to hopefully enjoy the event again.

Both events are a 2 hour + tow from home.
Oh quality shots, found you, number 26? Have you ever considered sideskirts and a diffuser? see you've got at the front a nice looking one, from a sideways angle looks like some side ones and back may loot neat too :D

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