Sleepers or attention grabbers


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Which sort of driver are you? Do you prefer to drive a sleeper (q car) or something that grabs a lot of attention?

I'm definately a sleeper. I like the power but don't feel the need to tell the world about it.

What about a sleeper that makes a lot of noise? Does that still count as a sleeper?
you mean this one

Which sort of driver are you? Do you prefer to drive a sleeper (q car) or something that grabs a lot of attention?

I'm definately a sleeper. I like the power but don't feel the need to tell the world about it.

What about a sleeper that makes a lot of noise? Does that still count as a sleeper?
that you can call a snorer ha ha,

welcome back mate
Well I don't know i'm stuck. Cause i've de-badged my car so I guess I like to let people guess what engine it's got. But I've got an induction kit and loud exhaust and stereo install so I guess i'm a bit of both....:bigsmile::bigsmile: I have done the exhaust or the install to be heard by everyone I did it to be individual.
I like to hear the roar from the engine. You can't get a better sound than an impreza with a full stainless and a de-cat pipe. My god they sound amazing. Just my preference though. Each to their own an all that.:bigsmile:
i like the attetion grabber, not ppl who drive like dicks, but cars that stand out and make your jaw drop,

also tacky corsas and saxos dont count ;)

a bit off topic but how can i remove the vtr badge from the plastic side gaurd things
Just wait. They'll fall off in the car wash sooner or later. My GTX has turned into a GT on one side :-)

lol I got most of mine off just by leaving that side of the car in what sunshine we had this summer. We did have a couple of very hot days an I just left a badge in the sun for a while an just pulled it off. There is only minor bits that were left. I need to T-cut it to remove the rest.
It is passenger side. I haven't removed the trim but I wonder if removing the passenger seat would help. 1. It's heavy due to electric adjustment motors etc. 2. Passengers are heavier still.
Definatly 'Q' car 'Sleeper' for me - but I do like to make alot of noise ( hence the exhaust system on the W8 ), but because its a sleeper people look everywhere for the noise other than at me :P
See, I suppose you'd call mine a Sleeper, and thats fine, I love my Golf.

But really? I'm a bit of an attention whore. I'd love something that turns heads for its sound and its looks. But not some Clio with a dustbin attached to it. Like I said in another thread; Evo - aggressive looks, good noise. Such like an RS4, RS6, Skyline GTR, etc. Those are all fine as standard, because they're already loud and 'look at me'

I guess im from the knobhead generation. That, or the sound of a diesel engine is beginning to get at me. The next car *is* going to be petrol, so I dont have to have my music to cover the engine noise.

That said the Golf is lovely and powerful so I cant complain too much :P
You'd love my Land Rover Izo - sounds like a tractor. Thankfully Land Rover fitted a Harman Kardon system with Subwoofer to it as standard fit :)

Tempted to get a recording of a V8 ;)
My Civic is going to be all'll have immense power and look the tits! I think you have to mod in a slightly different way as you get I wanna do it all now before I'll look like an idiot! :lol:
me personally i like the attention that a stock car with minor mods (rims, exhaust) gets and keep everything as close to original as possible exterior wise. I like my tunes but don't need them to blast out the neighborhood so just do basic upgrades such as a small amp/sub combo 500 to 750 watts is fine with me and upgraded speakers/head unit. Of course driving a Z around the states gets you attention just due to the fact that thier not like civics or corvettes, you see them just not that often.
I prefer good performance to looks but still have nothing against drawing attention to myself.

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