my 1991 Renault 5 GT Turbo

hi people thought id post a few pics of my r5 gt turbo i bought this car for 1k and what a bargain it is :D






damn right it is a couple of pints tonight i think :)

just gotta be resprayed now and thats virtually it, i really hope i can get to use it as much as possible this summer
popped around the garage on my way between jobs today, drivers door is now fitted, i also started the car and my god it sounds so much better back on the oe manifold, must say the longlife 2.5" system sounds sweet.

just waiting on hearing back from the painter now as to when he can get my car in fingers crossed its asap
just waiting on hearing back from the painter now as to when he can get my car in fingers crossed its asap

Just tell the sprayer that you want it done now! Tell him you have loads of people on a car forum waiting to see the finished job, and if he is good then you will say so on the forum! Must be good for another 10% of the price I would have thought ;)
Just tell the sprayer that you want it done now! Tell him you have loads of people on a car forum waiting to see the finished job, and if he is good then you will say so on the forum! Must be good for another 10% of the price I would have thought ;)

if only it was that easy eh matey

heard back off the painter and not good news ad he cant even think about getting my car in for at least 4 weeks cba wait that long so going try a couple of other guys i know
if only it was that easy eh matey

heard back off the painter and not good news ad he cant even think about getting my car in for at least 4 weeks cba wait that long so going try a couple of other guys i know

I understand your impatience buddy, on the plus side though, the 4 week waiting time must mean that he is very popular and therefore - good? :blink:
It certainly won't harm the situation to get a few more quotes in and to see what their waiting times are like.
oh he is very popular thats for sure his work is first class and his pricing is very good.

i know 2 other very good painters from my way that im waiting here back off now so keep your fingers crossed for me haha.
yes matey single cam 1.4 8v pushrod turbo engine :)

they are very very easy to work on although you come out with your hands looking like a cat has clawed hell out of them haha
cheers fella, i honestly cant take alot of the credit though as most of it has been done my absolute legend of a mate :) iv only been chipping in as and when possible.

hoping to get my soundsystem all wired in sometime soon, dont worry its no big chavvy subs etc etc, just a nice 800w amp, 6.5" components in the front and set of 550w 7x10 speakers for the rear, i like nice clear crisp sounds and if i can get it sounding like my old system in the mg ill be very happy
bit of an update

got another painter coming to look at the car this saturday, only thing is i wont be around as im in chesterfield for a rolling road day, no probs though as my mate knows exactly what i want doing.
fingers crossed all is well and we can get the ball rolling asap
big update on my car, just heard back from the painter and he can get my car in within the next 2 weeks fingers crossed it will be back on road before start of june happy days
cheers fella just wait until this restoration is finished :)

small update, iv just bought brand new clear side repeaters and clear front indicators, looking into getting new front headlights and rear light clusters as well.

As said before all these little things add up to bring it all together.

Also received my replica decals from the rtoc group buy and i must say they are absolutely fantastic, massive credit to the guys who have sorted this one for us
went up to my car after work, cleaned the seats up ready to give them a coating of red dye tomorrow morning, nice cheap alternative to forking out for a new set

also fitted new external window seal/rubber to drivers side whilst i was there
^^Ooh you gotta tell me bout the dye thing and how you went about it, what dye an all that,please matey, need to do something like that too. And don't forget the phodies.
will do fella leave it with me and ill get links etc for you

had a really productive morning working on my car, got a first coat of dye on the front seats, then decided to set the fuelling/idle up.
Took quite a while as it was running a bit groggy and kept cutting out, was really lean so whipped carb off and fitted a new base gasket (which was missing) thanks to my mate who called in the garage.

put it all back together had a bit of a fettle and got it idling/running sweet, idles bang on 1k with afr of 14.2-14.5.
hi mate yes the car should be going in within the next week (fingers crossed)

im keeping the car tungsten grey as it keeps it original, will look really good with the oe decals on the sides as well.

new headlights,side repeaters and indicators have arrived :)
Urghh patience patience patience, sucks to wait on something, specially when there's nothing to do in the mean time.
big happy update

had a phone call off my mate yesterday who has informed me that my car will be going in next week for painting :) looks like ill be living on beans on toast in june lol.
^^^ Bless her, some women are funny about that sort of thing :lol:

Once it is in the paint shop how long are we talking before you get it back?
Also will you be doing any additional body prep-work yourself to keep the costs down i.e. rubbing down, sanding, masking up etc.
haha shes ok really i will say this for her, she has been fantastic through all this and not once moaned about the car taking up all my funds/time etc. It was actually nice when she turned up and i was setting the idle and fuelling she had a smile on her face.

that my friend is the million dollar question i say lets set a targer to have it back in 3 weeks or so.
i would absolutely love to do all the prep as i used to paint narrowboats and barges for a living and i loved all the prepping, as without good prep it doesnt matter how good a painter you are it will look crap. But i really have not got any spare time atm am really busy with work and have alot of things to do at home which i want to do to keep the mrs sweet haha
well i can now confirm that my car is going in to be painted next tuesday :) were nearly there now so bring on the summer :D

also purchased my tickets for the cholmondeley pageant of power in june so this is my aim to have the car ready for.
looking forward to getting my car back on the road, will be very interesting to see what power it makes baring in mind it did 230bhp 213lb/ft @23psi in 2011 running hugely rich 10.6afr at wot and on 2" bore system. since then iv got the fuelling leaned out and had a full turbo back 2.5" bore system fitted and added a billet comp wheel which will certainly flow more. Ill be happy with anything over 230 and 220lb/ft

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