How do you stay alert


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
On long journeys staying alert is vital. Falling asleep or losing concentration can literally be fatal.:confused:

How do you stay alert on a long drive? What do you call a long drive? How frequently do you break? (And how often do you brake! - for HDi in case someone gets it wrong and to wind him up a bit!)
I've never really been in the situation of being sleepy behind the wheel. The longest I've drove without stopping is about 5 hours but even when stopped I didn't feel tired. But I do Drive with the window down so the cold air prob helps. But I enjoy driving it's not boring to me so thats prob why I don't get tired behind the wheel....
i find if you are not alert to start with it helps lol

drink powerade works for me but then i have to stop cos i cant stop at one bottle then i need to pee so never drive for to long as i am always in the loo lol
ive been on very long journeys, example, i live down south in cork, and i drove up north to derry and back the same night. thats an 11 hour journey

how i stay alert is have the window down, radio up (not too loud)
and the adreniline pumping due to fast driving, plenty of water as soft drinks contain suger which will tire you

i was soo tired 1 night that i had to pull in
and even though i got no sleep, its resting your eyes for a half hour that will sort you
trust me, ive done it all
i stay alert by making the drive as fun as possible ;) but the only time i stop for a breather is a toilet break or if we are going to cornwall on holiday with the dog its abit unfair to make him go all the way without stopping for him to have a drink and to do his business
If Im feeling a bit tired, I just open my visor, cold wind blasting your face soon wakes you up heh.

I do tend to make a stop off every once a while on long rides to warm my hands up (my extra thick winter gloves still let my hands get cold) and cold hands dont work the brake/clutch very well :/

hands down the side and under the fairings warms them up pretty good, right next to the engine :)

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