Flipping clocks keep changing


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
It is so annoying when we have to keep putting our clocks back and forwards. The car clock is usually the last to be altered and I tend to do this whilst driving along! Perhaps this is the reason for the increase in accidents when the clocks change?

Do you think this whole summer time thing is silly. I can only think of arguements against it and none for it - what are the reasons we do this every year?
i agree its a f**king stupid outdated thing to do with train which nobody outside london uses (underground)

biggest problem i have with it for the last 3 years ive been night shift when the locks go back and apart from this year we never get paid reason being they dont take the time off the ones when they go forward

plus side i now have an hour to take when i want
Clock chainging is outmoded and needless. I tink it was originally invented to help farmers make best use of daylight both during harvest and at market.

Most combines now have super duper lighting and can work in the dark hours.

Sadly, the farmers, those that provide us with food, are being robbed by the supermarkets and their incessant greed.
My neighbour's have a simple solution - They leave their clocks on Summer time all year round! Seems to work for them :)

The important clocks - The SKY programming one and PCs (needed for eBay) do it for you.

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