Flash floods = lethal roads


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
There was a storm shower on Friday down here and the roads were lethally slippy. It surprised me just how bad the roads get with a little rain after a long dry spell. Look out!
They are especially dangerous due to all the oil that had dropped off countless vehicles in between downpours.
Surprised that you were surprised Obi :)
It's not just oil and diesel, a lot of it is due to tyre compound deposits which stick to the road's surfaces very well. Flash floods aren't actually that bad, most people are pretty cautious through flood water. Plus, the large volume of water does help to flush away surface contamination pretty effectively.

It's the light dusting of rain after a dry spell which really catches drivers unawares. I find the autumnal leaves and grime just as bad.
Couldn't agree more|B:)

PS many clueless people over here seem to think that driving at speed will get them thru flooded roads and end up stuck and have to wade out ending up with a water damaged vehicle that will almost certainly be a write off due mainly to the electrics in modern cars.
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