Buying petrol and sweets


Track Warrior
I get accused that I cant walk into a petrol station and just pay for the fuel. I always come out with something else.

I suppose its true I need sweets like my car needs petrol. Am I alone in this addiction?
Isn't this more of a 'are you addicted to sweets' discussion? :lol: I like sweets, but I'm not addicted to them. If I buy something else with my petrol it's usually chewing gum.
Im a bit like you Billyo - but its not just sweets. I usually but something normally a magazine, newspaper, DVD.

Magnum ICE creams are a rip-off. They were about £1.50 in the freezer and then I noticed a block of Vienetta for £2.00 so Guess which one I got - theres more creamy goodness in the Vienetta. Ooops this is a car forum.

Does anyone actually buy the pump offer? The plastic toolkits, Solar powered lights or luxury blankey?
Well said Malc - i've never ever thrown litter out of the car window! It really annoys me when I see it and I just want to pull up along side them and empty a trash can into their car. (Any one see the Red Dwarf where they had the "justice zone" this would work well for those litter bugs!)

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