Are your alloys in good condition


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
I took a look at my alloys the other day and they are pretty badly corroded in places.

It looks like I need to get them resurfaced and refinished.

What are your alloys like? If they are in good condition what do you do to protect them?
Never use any protection and there fine. Standard ones on since new (51 plate), no corrosion / stains atall.
1 slight scrach thats been there since i got them. part from that theyre in need of a good clean. wash and wax every time i do the car and aviod kerbing apart from that i do nothing else to them
impregnated with brake dust and frankly just a bit lazy to take them off and clean them up, have done this already but the damn stuff just keeps coming back - some have mentioned that i may be a bit heavy on the old brakes which is why so much is coming off! :amazed:

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