Are the TopGear presenters too old


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do you think that the presenters of TopGear are getting too old?

Is it time to let a younger generation of car fanatics take over TG headquarters?

What is the target audience age/demographic of TopGear anyway?
I think the presenters ARE the programme. When they go the programme will go. Oh, I am sure the BBC would attempt to replace them when they decide to leave but it wouldn't be the same, at least for us wrinklies.

I believe that they have made a pack that when one goes they all go.
Cannot see Top Gear ever carrying on if the boys decide to quit. I shall send in my CV anyway on the odd chance that I may be wrong about that one :amuse:
You mean when the show was actually about cars?

But that is why the show is so popular now. If you want a show just about cars there is Fifth Gear (where you can find Tiff), a poor second when it comes to entertainment, IMO.
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Don't get me wrong, I do like the show, but sometimes find it frustrating.

The debate about hot hatches for instance. Where was the R5 turbo for a start? RWD, 0-60 in 6.6, that would give any modern hot hatch a run for its money. And it's about more than just straight line speed. You felt the road in those old cars in a way you just don't in a modern car anymore.
That really irritated me too.... Pug 205 GTI? R5 GT, Clio Williams I mean come on! So many decent hatches that would be okay to put up against modern cars
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Agreed, that was slightly annoying. Testing a brand new car against knackered 80s cars was unfair.

They have done this test before using good condition cars and the old ones gave the modern versions a run for their money.

There's this one:
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Just wish they would do without some of the innuendo. My 10 yr daughter loves cars like me but some of their language is cringe worthy when watching it with her. I tend to vet the program first and forward through the poor recycled jokes that she doesnt need to hear. I agree also with the missed opportunities of filming a real interesting test because they stick to the same old format of 1500quid to buy an xxx type of vehicle and they find the 3 worst cars they can find which inevitably disintegrate around them.... yawn yawn yawn
I can see your point AA but for me thats like saying i want faulty towers but without manuel grtting slapped o the head.

And of course top gear is the 3 and they are top gear. They do seem to be doing sillier an less relevant things now though.
Still a compulsory watch though imho
Yes if I view it as comedy show, then it makes sense. Its moved away from cars so much now. I actually fell asleep during last nights episode but as far as I can see the show is 5 minutes cars then 55 minutes comedy. There's a lot a debates on lots of forums about the show, probably because theres so little car related review programmes on TV. My view on the opening question then, view it as a adult oriented comedy sketch show and it's mildly amusing with a lot of recycled material, nowhere near the same league as Basil and Manuel but thats me. Keep the 3, they have their moments.
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It is a bit recycled these days and as it's been done so often you know they're acting.

It would be cool if just for once, instead of getting cheap cars and making them crapper, they got cheap cars and tried to make them better or faster, instead of sticking on stupid wings and wraps and stuff, how about putting a MASSIVE turbo on an XR2 and seeing how long it lasts?
One of my favourite episodes is where the guys try to build a kit car, faster then the Stig can get back to London from wherever it was he started. That was funny and very amusing, but was interesting as they're building a kit car!
No way! The show would not be the same show. We have a top gear show in america which emulates the BBC show and has younger "hip" presenters. I'm sorry to say that I wasn't very interested. I would never replace them. They are awesome and very funny! My favorite episode was the radio show challenge. Cracked me up!! James, Jeremy, and Richard are the best that ever will be.
They're excellent presenters and as many have already said the show would not be the same without them. As for crude jokes etc they're on the BBC, you're not going to get much lighter on any other channel due to BBC's strict regulations on what can and can't be said. I for one think they're hilarious and enjoy the random stuff just as much as the car stuff. Their specials are brilliant to be fair to them. They're going whichever way the ratings tell them to go. If their figures are going up with more entertainment and less cars then that's the way it will continue to be. I have to say I watch it mainly for the purposes of entertainment being that I always know there'll be supercars on the program that I'll never be able to afford so it's not really a consumer show unless you're exceptionally rich.

James May's meccano motorcycle, on his own programme, was cool. I loved the amount of engineering, effort and inspiration that had to go into creating it.

I also remember the show about that scalextric track at Brooklands that James did, I thought it was brilliant ;)

He does have the micky taken out of him a lot though on Top Gear. When I was there with the Beast for the Saab photoshoot, I was chatting away with James about some technical aspects of the Beast and Jezza kept piping up "Geek alert geek alert" and walking round like a robot :embarrest:.......:lol:
I also agree the presenters are the show, if you replaced them the show just would not be the same and would lose the following like TG Australia

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