Would you sell a car if you knew it was broken?


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Just wondering if you would sell a car knowing it had a fault? Would you tell the new owner? How much would you tell them? Is honesty the best policy? Would you fix the fault? Would you feel less inclined to be honest if you were part exchanging the car?
Coincidently my cars up for sale on autotrader. Loyal members will know how much complaining I've done about all the things that have gone wrong with it! But the last thing to go is the water pump which had been fixed so to the best of my knowledge its up for sale with no faults.

I'd feel too guilty anyway trying to sell a car I knew had something wrong with it- what goes around comes around!
Hell yeah id get it up / down the road and changed asap.
my civic was sold with an overheating problem, thermostat was goosed changed it flushed it out 3 times with water then filled up with coolent but it would still over heat.
garage just wanted the extras taken off the car, additional lights gearstick pedals etc

the wifes rover head gaasket was well on its way out using a ltr of water a day and the oil was a lovely light creamy brown. quick oil change and necked the water. garage never checked it over just offered her a grand for it
Buyer beware? (I never did pay much attention in Latin classes, I was too busy seeing how the chariot races were going.)

I tend to be prety honest. When I sold the Rover I told the guy quite clearly what was wrong with it and how much trouble I had with it. He still keeps in touch and lets me know how its going in Spain. Seems I fixed just about everything that could go wrong and he's had quite a reliable car out of it. :( (Should have kept it!)
I sold my Corsa with broken linkage...but that was a trade-in so they got it cheaper anyway! It depends on the fault...I wouldn't sell a car with a dangerous fault...however I'd probably charge a little extra for the new part I've just fitted! :D
As a trade in it's different. Dealers will look after their own interests. If selling privately you really should be open if safety is likely to be compromised.
A lot of the cars sent to auctions have major faults. You have to be so careful. If I were selling a dodgy car auction is the way to go but I'd still warn the potential buyers in a spirit of fairness.
As a trade in anything goes.
When I traded in my Mondeo zetec s all the dealer asked is there any warning lights showing which was no.
The carpet was soaking wet and a new steering rack was needed.
When I sold the MG I told the guy everything that had been changed. He looked over it and said regardless of the CAT C in the past it was very tidy!

I had only done a few little bits to it, but I stayed in contact for a while and he mentioned that a lot of work (of which I hadn't done ) was all bodged! Had an engine change some time in its life and was poorly remapped! So was running a little rich... No wonder it would stink of fuel when I floored it. Never even thought about it
The rear diff on the legacy was grinding I changed the oil it made no difference. I tried to part ex it against a pt cruiser but that dealer took it for a test drive and knew I tried to convince him it was a wheel bearing but no joy he still wanted to do a deal but we we're £100 apart and I wouldn't budge so left that one.

The next garage where I got the rover from asked if the car was fine I said yes. He took my word for it and we did the deal, I did feel a little guilty until I stopped at the petrol station got my fuel and then the car wouldn't start (dead battery) I rang the garage up the reply was sold as seen I didn't feel guilty anymore!
Selling to trade or trading in it's up to the buyer to sort it out. Selling privately I know that the caveat emptor (buyer beware) principle applies. However, to DELIBERATELY mislead a buyer is unlawful in my opinion. It's also very unfair.
Sorry but I just could not do it! If I was aware of a problem then I would either fix it or let the new prospective owner know of the faults existence.

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