What is the point of the Veyron


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
The Bugatti Veryon is a very impressive car. But we have to ask ourselves why?

Why build a car like this? Is it a marketing ploy? Does it fulfill a need for research and development? Is it just Bugatti showing off?
I'm not sure it needs a reason. It's not just the Veyron. What's the purpose of a Zonda S, or Murcielago for example? It's just a sports (hyper) car therefore the madder and the faster they better.

After all you're not going to build a hypercar that's slower than all the others are you.
turbonutter has it in 1

pure showing off, well they hardley done it for the money, 4m to build and sell for 1m
well i would not buy one i dont like the things

think the only reasion they build them is to show what they can do and if a super rich bloke comes to you and says build me the fastest car in the world you would build it
Imagine the design meeting though. "Guys, stop working on the Passat. We want you to build THIS!"

Technically brilliant, well trained engineers they may be, but all of us hides an over-excitable 10 year old at heart!!!
It is mental but awesome at the same time. Publicity is a big one here. I think they really raised the profile of Bugatti by building this car. 4m spent making it but probably giving them 1bn of advertising.

It does also stretch the capabilities of our cars. Todays hot hatches have and need around 300bhp years ago it used to be around 100-150 so things do move on quickly in the car world.

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