Traffic wardens, love em or hate em


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
When it comes to traffic wardens do you love them or hate them?

Surely they are just doing their job and helping to keep the roads clear of illegally parked cars. They do seem to attract a lot of hatred from motorists and I just wondered why and if you fall into the love em or hate em camps!
Job is a job, there will be always some to do it, it's just the matter of they approach and way of writing the tickets, some are like panthers hiding behind the corner or in the dark spots and wont even listen to you until they put all the details and issue you with a ticket and some just doing they job but using same time a common sense and listen other side.
Not a big fun of them, but when you meet a decent traffic warden and you wont get a ticket is a quiet nice feeling, then you are a tiger who just won the fight.
They are not all the same, however if you get a ticket, was it justified? I have had one parking ticket in the 30 years or so of being on the road. If I get another then it was probably deserved, doesn't take much to park correctly or display a ticket or even remember when it runs out! I have contested a couple and won, just requires common sense and leaving it until later rather than having a huge bust-up in the street, no winners there. For me neither love them or loathe them, they are only doing their job, if they apply some discretion.
I received a parking ticket when i shouldn't have but my appeal was rejected. I was on a car park where space is left for the company i used to work where we used to put pallets out in the day. However we never used all the space so one day when i drove down to work on new years bank holiday monday (i usually walked to work) i parked my car in given space and i got a ticket. Not for not paying, but for parking outside the bays. When i appealed they just said it was part of the councils land and part of the car park.
hate them round here.
i got a failure to display tax, condensation meant the holder had came off the window and was sitting on the dash. she argued it wasnt there when she went passed, the nice policeman gave me a form to fill in and i won :D

same traffic warden however can sit and yap to folk blocking access to our lane for 20 mins without giving a ticket as long as she knows them.
she used to walk up one side of the street and sit in a shop for 2 hrs then wander back down
I hate them!!!!!
But only because they don't do their job near me.
The back streets that lead to my house are very narrow with a single painted yellow line.
Cars still park on said yellow line even when the sign's say it's not allowed.
I have to mount the curb just to come down the street to where I park my car as people park right up to the junctions.:mad:

It is very rare that any of them get tickets.
I can see that they have a role to play but their efforts always seem to be hit or miss! Must be a very difficult job to do in all fairness, they will never get a smile from a member of the public or a thank you!
If there fit in a 70's comedy kind of way, they be o.k
Not though if they are a mustached power crazy bullied at school type amuse:
Most aren't though. Even if they are I have no concern discussing a ticket but I've never been clobbered unfairly anyway.

It's a bit like traffic officers. They're not bad guys. THey have to deal with carnage when things go wrong - it's a job I'd not like to do.

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