Trackers. Are they worth it?


91 Mitsubishi GTOTT
So I started the Insurance shopping today and was looking into different ways of lowering premiums.
I am getting a Cobra security system installed soon and was also considering putting a tracker on too.
But adding a tracker to the insurance quote didn't seem to lower the premium much at all.

Still...I looked online and it seems to cost £200-300 + annual subscription fees which are at least £99 a year.

They may not take much off the insurance premiums but are they worth it for security purposes?

Do you have a tracker on your vehicle?

Anybody had an experience of having a car stolen? or know of somebody who had their car stolen and found through tracker?

It seems to cost more than i originally thought as they don't do much for insurance and never heard of them actually working when a car is stolen
It seems to cost a lot if my car got stolen i think i would rather a write off along with the scum that took it.
However thats from the perspective of owning a standard car thats easy to replace.
I suppose it depends on the money/work what you have put in to you car whever its worthwhile.

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