Toyota Recall jokes


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Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Re: Toyota Recall

I've collated these gags together and thought it would be interesting to have a thread about Toyota Recall Jokes ;)

I'm sure there are loads doing the rounds.

I heard that a middle managers told the staff they had to take less breaks and this led to a misunderstating in the car production line.
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Re: Toyota Recall

Written by Dep-o magazine on

Thought for the day: given that Toyotas are suffering with sticky throttles and brakes that don’t work, is someone trying to urge Toyota owners to get a ruddy move on and to stop dawdling...?

From the interweb...

We buy any car We buy any car... We buy any car... We buy any car... but not toyota

From Jay Leno...

"Be glad you are not back east. Huge snowstorm. The roads were so slick back east even people without Toyotas are having trouble stopping."

Leno added,

"Over the next two weeks, we're going to have the Winter Olympics here on NBC. They're doing something this year that is going to add a little more excitement. All the bobsleds are made by Toyota." :D
The car in front is a Toyota. Well, you wouldn't want behind you would you?

Bah, I've been using that as well. :D

Indeed, there was a minor accident reported in the paper, and one poster said "He was distracted by the sticker saying the car in front is a Toyota".

I responded "More likely he panicked as the car behind was a Toyota!"

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